Wednesday, 15 June 2011

brave new universe - D.C

Okay so 2 weeks ago D.C announced the HUGE news that they are going for a launch of the new DCU, it seems that everyone interested in comics has had their say… MY TURN.

For those who have not heard D.C, the worlds second biggest comic publishers after MARVEL have announced they are starting a new D.C UNIVERSE and taking a rather huge step of re-numbering all their current publications to start again at no.1 and launching a bunch of new titles all from no.1. In September 2011 D.C will be launching 52 new monthly titles, this is pretty big news for those of us interested in comics.

Firstly I want to put on record that in principle I think it’s a great idea, comics can seem a really daunting medium for the new reader, I own a comic shop and see first hand how people come in and really want to get started but see BATMAN at #710, DETECTIVE COMICS at #877 and AMAZING SPIDER-MAN at #663. Their eyes widen at the thought of how much time, effort and expense they would have to spend on catching up! Obviously I then talk these guys through how they don’t need to go out and sell the house to catch up and instead give them ideas of good places to start, but sadly I am yet to be cloned so there’s a me present at every comic store! This is where the no.1’s D.C are going to be releasing will be a really helpful pointer to the new readers they are trying to grab. I am also really excited about certain characters who’ll be getting their own publications that are long over due like SWAMPTHING and BATWOMAN. The shake ups of creative teams are getting me hot under the collar too, so Scott Snyder is being moved from DETECTIVE COMICS – that’s sad… but he’s moving onto BATMAN – Awesome! and I’m sorry but SUPERMAN’s grounded story started really well but for me has kinda lost it’s way and who better to come in and really revive the Big Blue Boyscout than Grant Morrison! I know many fans are still up in arms from his runs on the Bat titles but I have got to say I am a big fan and he’s proved here he can really push things forward, which if you believe the noises being released by D.C is what this new universe is all about!

My problems with the launch of the new DCU (apparently it’s not a reboot as everyone has been saying and I had been writing here until I just got an email correcting me from Diamond Comic Distributors) are as follows: Firstly I want D.C to put their money where their mouths are, accessibility has to be thought of as an ongoing concern, making all issues a no.1 now and the titles that last the race will again be on or around their 900th issue in another 70 years time, even when a run of a comic hits #50 the back catalogue is going to be pretty daunting to the new reader so why don’t D.C borrow the point one idea from MARVEL? But rather than using it just once have a point one issue every time there is a new story arc beginning, so you may have a BATMAN #1.1, #12.1 and #25.1 with each point one telling the reader this is a new story arc and great jumping on point… How will the great unwashed know what these point ones mean? I hear you all call and that my friends leads me onto the second problem I have with the new DCU - advertising… So far the announcements coming out from D.C are causing quite a stir with their already, for the most part, loyal fan base. Fans they’ve already got but I’m not really seeing or hearing anything from none comic people. So they’ve come up with a radical idea to get new readers involved but are not marketing it to the new people, Jeez D.C pull your fingers out, get an ad about it on everything! Advertise the shit out of it!!! The GREEN LANTERN movie is about to start in cinema’s, get a trailer on it explaining what you’re doing! Get facebooking, tweeting, get a TV ad out there for gods sake, make sure every single 10-34 year old in the real universe has heard about this new and exciting D.C universe, don’t just leave it up to us comic retailers as, as everyone knows we’re all socially incapable geeks who are just going to scare them away!!! Let us do this later! My other problem is, and this probably won’t come as a surprise to many – the digital offering… Now as a comic retailer (have I mentioned I sell comics for a living?) I am always wary of online comics, you might think this is because if a soul is buying the digital version they are less likely to buy the actual comic and to a small extent that is a concern but not as much as you’d think. In my experience people buy physical things online, downloadable content like movies, music and comics gets downloaded sure but how many people actually pay for it? Not very many, and they are selling the digi-comics at the same price as the actual comics!! Surely this is just gonna drive away the few souls who would ordinarily be up for buying the downloadable content. Again I think D.C could have been a lot smarter here and use the internet for what it’s really there for… no not porn, information! D.C should set up a part of their site that lists all the current months comics with links to the pertinent back issues to that story given away or at least viewable online free with a chronological reading list so that the reader can see what has happened, have a read and then if they get hooked go and source the physical back issues. Surely this would really make comics accessible to the new readers and therefore drive up sales and drive more traffic to their site increasing advertising revenue!

D.C I applaud you for undertaking this huge shake up but if you’re going to do something radical then do it properly, not half arsed and again advertise the shit out of it and not just to the guys and gals you’ve already got…

Friday, 29 April 2011

Behind The Tear Gas and Slaughter - Joker HC

Every time I watch Christopher Nolan’s Dark Night, I feel a little sad that Heath Ledger is no longer with us. Prior to seeing the film, I didn’t really care. I remember when the news broke, it was the non-stop gossip topic, replacing Big Brother for a week, of a lot of my female friends, but I didn’t really know who he was. “He’s the guy from 10 Things I Hate About You” - “Australian guy?” - “That’s the one, also in Brokeback Mountain”.
It was only then I grew concerned he was playing the Joker. Whilst there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, making a gay cowboy is on par with messing with the work of Robert De Niro….or Jack Nicholson. …so you can see where my concerns started.
However, after watching the film, it is my belief that now, the Joker character for film died along with Heath Ledger….at least for the next 100 years….so are we to turn to comics for a continuation of the work started by Ledger?
I have to say that carefully, as the Joker graphic novel and the Dark Knight film are very separate bodies of work, despite their similarities with the Joker character…I think it just proves there are the required amount of dark minds out there in the entertainment business to bring us the best work.
Written by Brian Azzarello, (known for 100 Bullets and Hellblazer to name a few), the novel is told by Johnny Frost, a unknown criminal who basically wants to become a household name for his crimes.
The story features Killer Croc, Harvey Dent, The Pengiun, Harley Quinn, The Riddler and of course, Batman., however the caped crusader only appears a couple of times. This is more a story of what Joker is usually doing when our attention is focused on Wayne’s alter-ego. However, those wanting to see a epic fight between Joker and Bats will not be disappointed.
Upon his release from Arkham Asylum, Frost is sent to collect Joker and drive him back to town. Since he has been away, Joker has become unhappy at the disrespect shown by the people that should have been caring for his business….and he is determined to get his business back, and make sure people know not to mess with him.
Popping pills, snorting lines, shots, blowing up bars and killing his way back to the top….the Joker is definitely out of Arkham Asylum…and with this graphic novel, it is almost like everything Nolan wanted to show the Joker doing but couldn’t due to the age restrictions on the film, and for me, regardless of meaning to be similar to Ledger’s character, it is a beautiful way to remember him, and provide the sequel he is unable to.
Azzarello has really captured the unstable side of the Joker and written a befitting story that had me from page one, that saw my girlfriend completely ignored until I had finished it. The artwork has been done by Lee Bermejo, and to put it in the simplest terms possible, it left me speechless…..which is a little unhelpful when it comes to reviewing it.
The dark nature of the writing has been captured perfectly, and the seedy undertone of Gotham’s worst has been given the light they should be shown in.
Still not convinced? Well, don’t just take my word for it – head down to Frog Bros and buy it! You HAVE to own this. Period. No arguing. If you want to argue FINE come find me….probably in Frog Bros….telling you you’re wrong…..

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Spooky Alaska - X-Files vs 30 Days of Night

There are only really a few full on sins in the world. George Clooney as Batman...and that whole series of Batman films, Superman, I mean really - waste of a Superhero and so unbelievably predictable. "Oh no, I've fallen, oh actually it's OK this rock isn't made of Kryptonite". Also, Mr Kent, you may have noticed that most of the evil underworld looking to take you and your super buffed up posse on, they mostly have PHDs SO, with that annoying dog of yours being called Krypto it doesn't take much for them to start thinking of links to your weakness DONT HELP THEM. God I hate Superman. Anyway. Oh yeas, and also X-Files series 9.

Throughout X-Files, regardless of everything she saw and experienced, Scully was never a believer. There was always the scientist inside her just screaming that side of rational explanation to make her counter whatever she had just seen. As soon as Mulder goes...."Oh, I believe". It is also clear, it was never the same without Mulder, which is why the majority of the fans were pleading for one more hit, one more fix of Mulder and Scully. That they got in the new X-Files film 'I Want To Believe'.

Whilst this satisfied some X-Files fans, for instance my buddy Jim who was mostly happy because he got to see Scully on a boat in a bikini at the end, it didn't quite hit the spot with all. For instance myself. Due to goings on in the series, they weren't really able to bring Mulder back as he was. So whilst it was Mulder and Scully, it wasn't 'classic' them. So this has always left me wanting more....

.......until now.....

From September 2010 to February 2011, IDW ran a six part X-Files comic series. With a clash of another Sci-Fi favorite. 30 Days of Night.

Writer of the cult film, '30 Days of Night', Steven Niles teamed up with one of the top metal guitarists of our time, whom placed ninth in Guitar World's Top 100 Greatest metal Guitarists, Adam Jones. Jones is regularly credited for a majority of Tool's music videos. Thus creating a partnership seemingly capable of delivering what perhaps the remaining unhappy fans were waiting for.

The artwork has been done by Tom Mandrake, you may recognize the name from Marvel's 'Call of Duty: The Precinct', and his techniques and talents have bought the gritty, evil work at hand in Alaska to life in brilliant form.

The story line is a tense thriller keeping you hooked and wanting to be able to pick up the next one very quickly and has a perfect level of gruesome horror to satisfy both 30 Days of Night and X-Files fans, with some wonderful art work on the....unfortunate endings of some...

Mulder and Scully have been captured in their best form throughout the comic. Forget the last film, throw away the last two series, around about then. That is the Mulder and Scully in this comic, back to their true form, sharp as ever with the 'Mulderisms' and investigating the kind of case that best suits their odd attraction as a team.

During the second week of darkness in Wainwright, Skinner sends the meddling duo in to investigate, and hopefully stop whatever is happening. Now, we all know thanks to the twisted mind of Niles, what is going on - but can Mulder and Scully find out and stop it before it's too late? There is only one way to find out.....that's right...get yourself down to Frog Bros and order all six issues now!!

And tell 'em I sent you!!

Got a face like a Jigsaw? Got a death wish? Wanna really annoy a crazy vigilante? Then you could take lessons, and the best place to start is when I review Marvel's five part series of 'Punisher: In The Blood next week!..

Thursday, 24 March 2011

who you gonna call? - Ghostbusters Infestation

911 can’t help you. You’ve no choice. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. If you want help, it’s time to call 555-2368.

Dunnnnaddduunnnnaaaaddduuunnnnnaaaaadddduuunnnnnaaaaa dada dadala DA DA (repeat, hum, bounce, sing out loud……then come back to me and carry on reading)

With Columbia University far, far behind them, the geek inside all of us has been crying out for another instalment of those cheeky, troublesome, proton pack shooting scientists. The third film…well that’s basically never going to happen, with Bill Murray even saying they’re too old. The game though was another example of Dan Aykroyd an Harold Ramis as accomplished writers and although was a fantastic game, left us all disappointed at no film. This left something. Something needed. Something that geek inside will never rest until they get. And Erik Burnham has now bought us the answer.

Released through IDW, my hopes for the story of Ghostbusters Infestation dropped immediately when I saw it wasn’t written by Aykroyd and Ramis, but I was curious so I purchased volume one and scurried on home with it wrapped in my arms like a small and delicate baby protecting it from the nasty rain drops of Bournemouth.

Upon reading I decided, Burnham has either found a secret lab and injected himself with the sacred blood of a paranormal exterminator or, and possibly most likely, been captured so many times by the stream crossing gang, he has had time to research their styles.

The story has been impressively written and once you start reading you are lost in it so much it feels as though it is being acted out by the original crew right in front of your eyes. Each character has their persona captured as efficiently as a ghost in the Ecto-Containment Unit. For example, in volume two, Peter shouts “Ray, I told you, Egon does the math before we do the crazy things! I swear this is gonna be Coney Island all over again!” when Ray is excited about getting to use a new toy.

And what characters there are that turn up. As well as the usual gang of Egon, Ray, Peter and Winston, they are joined by charismatic receptionist Janine and the Marshmallow man to name a few.

Burnham’s work has been bought to life to your eyes by Kyle Hotz, famous for his ‘creepy style’ which has seen him previously illustrate such characters as Ghost Rider. The artwork is seriously something to keep you staring at each page of the comic for hours before remembering you have to read the rest of the story. Hotz has pulled off a fantastic portrayal of all the characters, whilst adding a slight, almost dark, edge to each of them, and for this story the art and script are perfectly matched.

So, what is it about then? The atmosphere is a little tense within the Ghostbusters camp as they have a hell of a lot of poltergeists….and nowhere to put them. With the amount of energy needed to contain them, there isn’t enough in the power so they’ve had to stay in the traps in the basement of an old fire station for the time being. This seems to be the least of the gangs worries though as, whilst they are arguing, soulless ‘men’ are starting to reign on their city and cause them no end of trouble. Just when things couldn’t get much worse a devil woman and a familiar, but not so friendly giant marshmallow turn up…but is there someone to take him on and has he finally met his match? To answer that question you wil simply have to buy both volumes.

The two part comic is a must have for any comic book fan, especially if you happen to combine that love with the paranormal exterminators (and I still don’t think I have met one comic book fan that doesn’t like the Ghostbusters). The writing is enough to make Aykroyd and Ramis consider adopting Burnham as their love child, and the artwork will keep you hooked and open up the comic fan within you once again to want to dust off the sleeves of the ones hiding under your bed and re-visit some of your favourite friends.

So come on, once, for me…..all together now….who you gonna call?


That is right my pedigree chums, get yourself on that blower – volume one was released on 9 March with volume two released today (23 March). Let’s be honest, the weather has been rather lovely recently…so go on…treat yourself…..

Now, one last question. What happens if you cross Mulder and Scully with 30 Days of Night? Come back for next week’s review to find out!


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frog bros comics and books, this is a blog all about well comics and books. We do deal in both but this is not a forum for us to peddle any crap... if it's not good we'll tell you and if something rocks our boat, well we'll tell you that too.