There are only really a few full on sins in the world. George Clooney as Batman...and that whole series of Batman films, Superman, I mean really - waste of a Superhero and so unbelievably predictable. "Oh no, I've fallen, oh actually it's OK this rock isn't made of Kryptonite". Also, Mr Kent, you may have noticed that most of the evil underworld looking to take you and your super buffed up posse on, they mostly have PHDs SO, with that annoying dog of yours being called Krypto it doesn't take much for them to start thinking of links to your weakness DONT HELP THEM. God I hate Superman. Anyway. Oh yeas, and also X-Files series 9.
Throughout X-Files, regardless of everything she saw and experienced, Scully was never a believer. There was always the scientist inside her just screaming that side of rational explanation to make her counter whatever she had just seen. As soon as Mulder goes...."Oh, I believe". It is also clear, it was never the same without Mulder, which is why the majority of the fans were pleading for one more hit, one more fix of Mulder and Scully. That they got in the new X-Files film 'I Want To Believe'.
Whilst this satisfied some X-Files fans, for instance my buddy Jim who was mostly happy because he got to see Scully on a boat in a bikini at the end, it didn't quite hit the spot with all. For instance myself. Due to goings on in the series, they weren't really able to bring Mulder back as he was. So whilst it was Mulder and Scully, it wasn't 'classic' them. So this has always left me wanting more....
.......until now.....
From September 2010 to February 2011, IDW ran a six part X-Files comic series. With a clash of another Sci-Fi favorite. 30 Days of Night.
Writer of the cult film, '30 Days of Night', Steven Niles teamed up with one of the top metal guitarists of our time, whom placed ninth in Guitar World's Top 100 Greatest metal Guitarists, Adam Jones. Jones is regularly credited for a majority of Tool's music videos. Thus creating a partnership seemingly capable of delivering what perhaps the remaining unhappy fans were waiting for.
The artwork has been done by Tom Mandrake, you may recognize the name from Marvel's 'Call of Duty: The Precinct', and his techniques and talents have bought the gritty, evil work at hand in Alaska to life in brilliant form.
The story line is a tense thriller keeping you hooked and wanting to be able to pick up the next one very quickly and has a perfect level of gruesome horror to satisfy both 30 Days of Night and X-Files fans, with some wonderful art work on the....unfortunate endings of some...
Mulder and Scully have been captured in their best form throughout the comic. Forget the last film, throw away the last two series, around about then. That is the Mulder and Scully in this comic, back to their true form, sharp as ever with the 'Mulderisms' and investigating the kind of case that best suits their odd attraction as a team.
During the second week of darkness in Wainwright, Skinner sends the meddling duo in to investigate, and hopefully stop whatever is happening. Now, we all know thanks to the twisted mind of Niles, what is going on - but can Mulder and Scully find out and stop it before it's too late? There is only one way to find out.....that's right...get yourself down to Frog Bros and order all six issues now!!
And tell 'em I sent you!!
Got a face like a Jigsaw? Got a death wish? Wanna really annoy a crazy vigilante? Then you could take lessons, and the best place to start is when I review Marvel's five part series of 'Punisher: In The Blood next week!..