Sunday, 29 July 2012
This one can't miss!!!...
With the success of THE AVENGERS movie still filling the coffers of all down at the ideas factory one of the main characters from the movie gets their own ongoing series...
HAWKEYE #1 hits the FROG shelves this week and it's not just the AVENGERS movie characterisation of ol' Clint Barton that's got us at FROG TOWERS all excited...
Although usually that would probably be enough!!!...
But no, HAWKEYE is a FROG favourite character, when done right but that's all too infrequent...
So what's got you so excited about this incarnation then? I'm sure I just heard you all gasp...
Simple Frog Friends, it's the creative team of MATT FRACTION and DAVID AJA...
We all know FRACTION can pen a tale as he continues to knock INVINCIBLE IRON-MAN, CASANOVA, AVX and MIGHTY THOR outta the park...
And AJA's art on RED SKULL, 5 RONIN and SECRET AVENGERS is just sublime!!!...
So why not pick up a new book about an old favourite by a team that we're betting are going to get it so so right?
So what you waiting for CONTACT US to get it added to your drop box or subscribe to the HAWKEYE series here...
Monday, 16 July 2012
It's time to keep the copyright...
A long time ago you see it was DC that held the rights to the name, before MARVEL wrestled it off them and the DC CAPTAIN MARVEL had to become SHAZAM!!!...
To keep the copyright MARVEL now have to release a CAPTIAN MARVEL title every now and again...
And yes folks it's that time... History lesson over...
CAPTAIN MARVEL is back... again...
This time taking on the mantle is the longtime super-heroin formerly known as MS MARVEL - Carol Danvers...
Danvers the airforce darling, sometime AVENGER and part alien is back in her own book...
And in issue 1 she's got CAPTIAN AMERICA by her side fighting the good fight...
You might be wondering why we think this one might actually be any good, fair point, but you see the team behind it are Kelly Sue DeConnick and artist Dexter Soy...
And anyone who picked up last years OSBOURN EVIL INCARCERATED knows that DeConnick knows her way round a story, and that's good enough for us!
Check out the first few pages here...
Monday, 9 July 2012
Delving into the worlds of religion, reality TV and science, this week we have the release of Sean Murphy's mini-series!...
Murphy, a big FROG BROS favourite is probably best known for his art work on the amazing JOE THE BARBARIAN and wonderful AMERICAN VAMPIRE SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST but this creator own mini might be about to change all that...
PUNK ROCK JESUS #1 (OF 6)... Set in the not too distant US future tells the story of an angry young man...
Who just happens to be the star of the latest reality TV hit J2...
Oh and also a clone of Jesus Christ...
With his 'mum' being selected through an American Idol style process and adulation and outrage being flown all over the place what chance does this kid have?...
Hopefully this book has a better chance, VERTIGO, who are publishing it, certainly are taking a bit of a chance, but then they are the guys and gals who gave us PREACHER, and that didn't work out too badly did it? And really this is just the kind of book VERTIGO should be printing...
Murphy too is putting himself out there with this one, the guy freely admits he's an artist first and foremost so to tackle a story like this, with so many big and devisive threads... Let's hope he pulls it off, if not heh, we're still going to have one of the best looking books from the FROG shelves...
Subscribe to the whole mini-series here...
Monday, 2 July 2012
A re-imagined BATMAN...
For a re-imagined EARTH...
It's certainly been a long time coming, more than 3 years since the project was announced BATMAN EARTH ONE finally hits the FROG shelves this week...
A lot has happened in those three years with BATMAN, INC has started, SCOTT SNYDER has been stamping his authority all over the character and the whole NEW52 reboot to name but a few...
So writer and one of DC's top bananas GEOFF JOHNS and artist GARY FRANK (the team behind SUPERMAN SECRET ORIGIN) have their work cut out...
But if the noises coming out of DC are anything to go by they could be on the right path...
You see they are attacking it by looking at Bruce Wayne at the beginning of his crimefighting life, with BATMAN just starting out, a stripped back BAT with no cool BAT-MOBILE, just a regular mobile with tinted windows, we're not going to see loads of costumed goons or cool gadgets... At least ones that work...
What we are being promised is a human story about a guy who's just starting out and making lots of mistakes along the way...
Sound a bit like YEAR ONE? In my mind that can be no bad thing!.. But they are promising a move away from that too with changes to many of the supporting BAT-cast including Alfred and Jim Gordon...
Check out the first few pages of BATMAN YEAR ONE here... and then CONTACT US to order your copy...
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- frog bros comics and books, this is a blog all about well comics and books. We do deal in both but this is not a forum for us to peddle any crap... if it's not good we'll tell you and if something rocks our boat, well we'll tell you that too.