Monday, 24 September 2012
The COURT are back...
Can Scott Snyder keep his star shinning brightly through this one or will it be a title too far?...
The FROG BROS are well documented fans but when we heard about this title I've got to admit the shared cynic in us did think the guys and gals at DC might just be cashing in on the huge success of the COURT OF THE OWLS...
What's changed our minds? Well nothing really, we'll still be picking up this one with some trepidation but c'mon has Scotty ever done us wrong so far?...
So what's this TALON #0 all about then? Let us enlighten you dear FROG reader...
The TALONS, unstoppable and dead killing machines who did all the dirty work for the evil Gotham secret society of the Court of the Owls once had a member called Calvin Rose...
Calvin's gone down in history as the only TALON ever to escape the clutches of the Court...
And the guy just wants to live a normal life (which must be pretty hard as seen as if he's a TALON he must be dead)...
Anywhoo, he's finding his wish for normalcy somewhat hampered by his former masters hunting him down...
And that's about all we can say, the art's by Guillem March who's work on the GOTHAM CITY SIRENS really was pretty AWESOME... and that right there is another very good reason to jump onto this one...
Take up a 6 issue subscription to TALON here, or give us a shout if you want on!!!...
Monday, 17 September 2012
A new GHOST story!...
And DARK HORSE are jumping on the DC #0 band wagon to launch it...
Quite why a 5 part mini-series starts on #0, except to try and get another sales peak when issue #1 comes out I don't know...
But we're not going to get down on this book for that, in fact we here at FROG Towers are really rather excited about GHOST #0...
You see on arts there's PHIL NOTO who's crisp clean lines have worked brilliantly on a range of books over the last few years including THE INFINITE HORIZON, X-23 and ANGEL AND FAITH...
And joining him as the GHOST #0's scribe is a writer that is fast becoming a FROG favourite, KELLY SUE DECONNICK...
This girl really knows how to write good comics, OSBOURN EVIL INCARCERATED was AWESOME and her current run on CAPTAIN MARVEL is just great!...
So what's GHOST #0 all about I here you all ask? A loser journalist who can only get a job as a cameraman on a crappy paranormal investigation show and the presenter...
They find a box that can call the dead... Only it doesn't work when they want it to and does work when they don't (don't you just hate those kind of ghost spitting boxes?)...
Anywhoo here's a sneak peak and you know the drill, give us a shout if you want on!!!...
Monday, 10 September 2012
Dana nana nana nana, Dana nana nana nana BATMAN!!!...
YES!!! hot on the heels of the fantastic COURT OF OWLS and NIGHT OF OWLS...
And right before the return of Gotham's Clown Prince THE JOKER in issue #13...
Comes this great jumping on spot for those few of you that haven't got BATMAN on your pull-list already, BATMAN #0...
Written by Head BATMAN writer and sometimes twitter warrior Scott Snyder, with arts by Greg Capullo!!!...
These 2 have been playing with and making both Gotham and Batman history for a whole year now...
Snyder loves to weave history into his stories and so this issue #0 is a perfect book for him, looking at Bruce's first forays into the NEW52's Gotham...
This FROG's been reading pretty much everything the guy's released over the last few years and have not been disappointed once...
Throw in Capullo's amazing art work, the fact you might be waiting a while for another equally good jumping on spot to the BATMAN title with the JOKER storyline set to run and run...
And all this makes BATMAN #0 a must read, so if you're not on it already CONTACT US to get it added to your pull-list or take out a 6 issue subscription here...
Monday, 3 September 2012
From when he was KING...
Yes it's a new book from comics legend ALAN MOORE...
I'm just going to throw this out there, I haven't enjoyed an ALAN MOORE book in ages, there I've said it...
I know, I know he's a genius and legend and all that but I'm sorry the works he's been kicking out recently just have not been very good... In my opinion...
So why are we getting excited about FASHION BEAST #1?...
Well, because it was originally written back in his heyday of the 80's. Back when his pen touched paper and gave birth to WATCHMEN, V FOR VENDETTA and THE SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING...
So okay, FASHION BEAST #1 was originally written with MALCOLM MACLAREN as a screen play and has now been adapted for comics...
But if just a little of the undoubted magic the guy had at that point in time has gone into these pages it's got to be worth a look, hasn't it?..
With art by Facundo Percio, see a sample of his work here...
FASHION BEAST #1 hits the FROG shelves Wednesday 05.09.2012...
CONTACT US to get it added to your pull-list!!!
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