Monday, 29 October 2012
TREAT NO TRICK!!!... We hope...
It's no secret the FROG BROS love the comic publishers IMAGE and on All Hallow's Eve those twisted but beautiful minds are serving up a treat...
Because this Halloween we're getting what promises to be one of the baddest, meanest and damn right scariest bad guys comics have seen in quite some time...
In the gore laden pages of BEDLAM #1 we have the dubious honour of being introduced to MADDER RED and I'm betting he might just be the villain we hold all other psychos up to in the future to see if they measure up...
Nick Spencer, the guy who's still keeping us guessing on MORNING GLORIES is the pen handler behind this one and has the insanely talented Riley Rossmo on arts...
The book opens with some dark scenes that would not look out of place in any of our favourite slasher stories...
And apparently doesn't let up...
But don't take our word for it, check out the first few pages here...
Then CONTACT US to get this Oh so very bad boy added to your pull-list...
If you don't we'll send MADDER RED round...
Monday, 22 October 2012
Okay so not every week can be a head spinningly massive, awe inspiringly big comics week...
But even on what some would term a comics 'slow week' there's always some new titles to get excited about and this week is no different...
A-BABIES VS X-BABIES #1 hits the FROG shelves this Wednesday and that is GREAT!!!...
From the creative team of writer Skottie Young and Gurihiru...
The Phoenix is coming…and bringing the babies with it in an all-out war! Find out whom amongst the teams will live, who will die, and who will succumb to diaper rash...
Now that all the dramatics from MARVEL's big summer event has finished it's time to take a cute and humorous look at the story...
It does seem a bit wierd that Young's writing this one rather than lending his genius to the pencils but here at FROG towers we're hoping the Japanese art team of Gurihiru can do the book justice...
So why not get down wid' the kids and grab this one-shot neighbourhood brawl of a comic to cheer up the 'slow week' blues?..
Monday, 15 October 2012
Unless you've been living under a rock or aren't on our mailing list (if you're not shame on you!) You will surely have heard about MARVEL's mini-boot MARVEL NOW!...
All new creative teams on absolute favourite characters who are getting to start their books from issue #1's, to make the runs more accessible to you the readers...
Unlike DC and the NEW52 that all hit the FROG shelves a little over a year ago in one big new comics month...
Marvel have decided to go about their mini-boot in a different way, a way where everything works within continuity and the releases are staggered from this month right through to February 2013...
A little of what the next 2 months hold in store for us all can be found here...
And this week sees the release of MARVEL NOW POINT ONE #1 NOW which is going to blow all our minds by giving a sneak peak at just what those at the ideas factory really have in store!!!...
Featuring six short stories from the awe inspiring creative teams of Brian Michael Bendis and Steve McNiven, Matt Fraction and Mike Allred, Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness, Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie, Nick Spencer and Luke Ross and Dennis Hopeless and Gabriel Hernandez Walta...
Reading between the lines and going from all the inter-web hubub it looks like we're going to be treated to stories featuring ANT-MAN, THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY and YOUNG AVENGERS...
The FROG BROS cannot wait!!!...
So get the jump on your mates as to where MARVEL are going NOW!
Monday, 8 October 2012
Yep the CLOWN PRINCE OF CRIME is back... And this time he's coming after the whole BAT-FAMILY...
The JOKER has been the big thing missing from DC's NEW52, that's all about change this month in BATMAN #13...
The last time we saw ol' chuckles he was having his face sliced off by the DOLLMAKER in DETECTIVE COMICS #1...
It's true we've since seen his face in SUICIDE SQUAD when a completely nuts HARLEY QUINN went AWOL to find her Puddin's chevvy...
But now the whole man himself is back...
Everyone's favourite BAT BADDY, the Ying to BATS Yang, the guy who killed a ROBIN and crippled a BATGIRL ...
And it seems he may just have found out who the whole BAT-CLAN are...
You see BATMAN #13 heralds the start of the 'DEATH OF THE FAMILY' storyline that's set to cross over all the BAT books and the FROG BROS cannot wait!!!...
With Scott Snyder handling the story and Greg Capullo dreaming up a new hooks and strapping look that offers a nod to the nightmare appearance of leather face giving a Texas Chainsaw Massacre-esque feel...
We think it's going to be all kinds of AWESOME!!! So give us a shout if you want on or take out a 6 issue subscription to BATMAN here...
Monday, 1 October 2012
I once had a wierd dream in which Iggle Piggle, Upsy Daisy and Makka Pakka from the IN THE NIGHT GARDEN (for those without ankle biters, it's a kids show) were all hunting me down with maniacal looks and chainsaws...
It was a rather bizarre dream that has always stuck with me as I always thought what a great idea it would be to put seemingly harmless kids characters in a horror comic and have them as the 'bad guys'...
Well it would seem someone has done just that, admittedly I'm betting much better than I ever could have and come up with in NON HUMANS...
NON HUMANS #1 (OF 4) is a mini-series by Glen Brunswick and Whilce Portacio and is being billed as "Blade Runner" meets "Toy Story"...
Set in a LOS ANGELES of the future...
Los Angeles 2041 to be exact and 26 years after those star exploring guys and gals from NASA brought back a strange disease that causes many toy-like objects to come to life...
Taking on the personality traits of those who have spent countless hours playing, loving or maybe wrecking them before being imbued with life!...
There's a new world order in town where both cute and fearsome creatures are in a fight for their right to exist in a world that fears them...
If you ask me this books sounds all kinds of AWESOME!!!...
And it looks pretty AWESOME too, check out a sneak peak here then give us a shout if you want on!!!...
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- frog bros
- frog bros comics and books, this is a blog all about well comics and books. We do deal in both but this is not a forum for us to peddle any crap... if it's not good we'll tell you and if something rocks our boat, well we'll tell you that too.