Monday, 26 November 2012
Who's ready for some CRAZY AWESOME?!!!...
Gone are Franklin and Valeria... And well that's sad...
But in their place are Ant-Man, She Hulk (the green one), Lady Medusa of the Inhumans and Miss Thing!!!...
To make up one very strange team in FF #1 NOW!...
Yep whilst the FANTASTIC FOUR are travelling the galaxies looking for a cure to Read Richards slow death (you know they'll find one but am I the only one hoping they don't?!)...
This crazy, strange but undoubtedly AWESOME group have been thrown together to watch over the world and take down all the classic FANTASTIC FOUR foes....
But if the bizarre team in the book isn't enough to get you crazy excited... What about the AWESOME team of MATT FRACTION and MICHAEL ALLRED who are on it?!...
Yes FRACTION who's blowing us away each month on the awesome HAWKEYE and the DEFENDERS!!!...
And YES ALLRED who's been pumping out some equally AWESOME arts recently on DAREDEVIL and WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN...
Buy this book! It's going to be all kinds of... just because I don't think I've used the word enough, AWESOME!!!...
CONTACT US to get on it or take out a 6 issue subscription here...
To read more about this and other MARVEL NOW! books hit the link...
Monday, 19 November 2012
We've got a HULK... and a SUPER SOLDIER...
And after last week's offerings from MARVEL NOW! We're again optimistic!...
And how could we not be when there's INDESTRUCTIBLE HULK #1 NOW by MARK WAID who's run on DAREDEVIL is just brilliant! and LEINIL FRANCIS YU who's art is simply amazing!!!...
In this HULK we've got the Big Green and Banner back together and they're working for S.H.E.I.L.D!!!...
Also out this week CAPTAIN AMERICA #1 NOW and who's the ALL NEW creative team on this one? I hear you all gasp...
It's only the comics superstar team of RICK REMENDER and JOHN ROMITA JR....
As we'd all expect from REMENDER this CAP book is going to be very different to what's gone before...
The first arc 'DIMENSION Z' is set to focus on 2 very different times and worlds as we see the young Steve Rogers growing up in the Lower East side during the depression...
Then on the flip side there's the high adventure, sci-fi, spy fantasy with Cap dealing with Arnim Zola in Dimension Z!..
Both these books have an AWESOME potential to be very, very BIG!!!
CONTACT US to get on 'em or take out a 6 issue subscription here...
To read more about these two and other MARVEL NOW! books hit the link...
Monday, 12 November 2012
Redemption from the Gods?...
So the 2 BIG MARVEL NOW! releases from last week were... Not great...
I know! After we'd been banging on about how great they and the whole initiative would be for like ages... IRON MAN and DEADPOOL turned out to be... A bit pants...
But all is not lost Boys and Girls...
Because this week MARVEL are going to gain redemption and who better to give it than their very own in-house god... THOR...
Written by JASON AARON and with arts by ESAD RIBIC, THOR GOD OF THUNDER #1 promises a tale of past, present and future THOR's in his search for the GOD BUTCHER and can't fail to impress!!!... Oh it can't!!!...
But if tales of Asgard aren't your bag, even if they're being done by a GREAT creative team, then there's always ALL NEW X-MEN #1 NOW...
If only for the original CYCLOPS and BEAST coming face to face with their future iterations!...
Then there's MATT FRACTION and MARK BAGLEY's FANTASTIC FOUR #1 NOW and X-MEN LEGACY #1 NOW, finally a book that might just do LEGION justice!..
So come on MARVEL, by Odin's beard redeem last week's offering with this! And don't make us regret not using this space for BATMAN #14 (DOTF) that we know is gonna be AWESOME!!!
To read more about these two and other MARVEL NOW! books hit the link...
Monday, 5 November 2012
It's really kicking off NOW!!!...
So the MARVEL NOW! initiative has been going for a few weeks...
But apart from the really quite AWESOME, UNCANNY AVENGERS, there hasn't been too much to get too excited about...
That is all about to change this Wednesday, not only does DEADPOOL #1 NOW hit the FROG shelves...
But right up there next to it will be IRON MAN #1 NOW!!!...
We've been banging on for a few months now about how good we think MARVEL's mini-boot will be and I think this will be the week when we're started to be proved right...
How could we not be when DEADPOOL's going to hit the ground running by taking out resurrected dead presidents?...
As for MARVEL's celebrity scientist IRON MAN... It's being written by Kieron Gillen!!!
I honestly cannot remember being quite so excited about a new team going onto a book as I am about this...
To read more about these two and other MARVEL NOW! books hit the link...
Then CONTACT US to get on these sure fire hits from #1...
Or bypass the chit chat and take out a 6 issue subscription here...
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- frog bros comics and books, this is a blog all about well comics and books. We do deal in both but this is not a forum for us to peddle any crap... if it's not good we'll tell you and if something rocks our boat, well we'll tell you that too.