Saturday, 28 December 2013
The Dead Boys are back...
Still dead, but back...
Yes folks Charles and Edwin, the founding members of the DEAD BOY DETECTIVE AGENCY are back in DEAD BOY DETECTIVES #1...
The loveable spooks we were first introduced to in Neil Gaiman's SANDMAN have their own ongoing monthly title from Vertigo...
Is the great Gaiman writing it?...
But don't get all upset at that folks as it's been left in the very capable hands of Toby Litt and Mark Buckingham, with art by Buckingham and Gary Erksine...
And yep, the big guy's given his blessing to the project...
For those of you not familiar with the SANDMAN series, the Dead Boys are a couple of former students of St. Hilarions School for Boys, who died about 75 years apart...
Both horribly at the hands of some rather nasty bullies...
Due to a few different reasons DEATH hasn't taken them on to where they're meant to be...
She will get round to it, in her own time...
But until that time the boys will be entertaining us, solving mysteries...
Interested in going along for the ride? Get in touch and let us know...
Monday, 23 December 2013
It is a story of animals...
It is a story of wolves and bears...
It is a story of animals...
Most of all it is a story of WOLVERINE...
And it's FREEKIN' AWESOME!!!...
Oh yes folks ORIGIN II #1 (OF 5) is a Chrimbo treat for all of us that love comic books...
Adam Kubert has knocked it out of the park with some amazingly beautiful art work...
The centre page spread of the bear massacre is worth the cover price alone!...
Throw in Kieron Gillen's super tight script and you've got an amazing comic that could have fallen very very flat...
Coming as it does a good ten years after the celebrated first volume...
ORIGIN II #1 really is a fantastic start...
And it's got a bear...
Holler now to get the full mini-series!!!...
Monday, 16 December 2013
It's time to get SERIOUS!...
Alright maybe not serious, it is still a HARLEY QUINN comic book...
But a bit more serious than the #0 issue...
We've got ol' Harleen's book kicking off properly this week in HARLEY QUINN #1...
Snappy title eh?...
You're probably wondering if we're going to get a stellar roster of artists lining up to plot her way through like the fabled issue #0...
And the answer my friends would be no...
The chap chosen above all others to pencil this one is Chad Hardin, who's awesome work was last seen on JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA 7.3 SHADOW THEIF...
If you missed it we still had copies with those crazy lenticular 3D covers at the time of writing!!!...
If the first few pages are anything to go by HARDIN is going to be a great fit to Harley (check out those pages here)...
And then give us a shout to get on HARLEY QUINN ongoing!!!...
Saturday, 7 December 2013
Le Smash!?...
Yes folks it's the release of the last MARVEL KNIGHTS mini-series from this batch and we've got the Big Ol' Green Smashing Machine taking center stage!!!...
In Paris?!...
Yep, yep, yep but is it going to be Le Smash?...
The story kicks off with an amnesiac Bruce Banner waking up with the Seine and seemingly no ability to turn into the Hulk!...
We know that's not going to last though right? I mean it'd be like them releasing the AGE OF ULTRON without ULTRON...
Okay, okay... But they wouldn't do it again!!!...
And anyways we've got it on good authority that the big boy will be making an appearance...
Who's authority?...
Only the mind blowingly creative, creative team behind this beast of Joe Keatinge and Piotr Kowalski...
And KOWALSKI from his run on the glorious and racy SEX (or at least those of you old enough to read it)...
This really is a creative team taking the Hulk to new places and if the previous 2 MARVEL KNIGHTS mini's SPIDER-MAN and X-MEN are anything to go by we are in for a TREAT!!!...
As always give us a shout to get on it!!!...
Monday, 2 December 2013
OH the Humanities!...
Exactly one week after the last over arcing Marvel event that promised to shake the universe to it's very core - INFINITY... Comes the next over arcing Marvel event that promises to shake the universe to its very core - INHUMANITY!!!...
Yes folks the week wait is finally over and INHUMANITY #1 is here as of Wednesday!...
C'mon don't tell me you've forgotten about BLACK BOLT detonating a Terrigan Bomb in INFINITY #4?...
I suppose I'll let you off if you did, it was slightly overshadowed by that bit with Mjolnir!...
So anyways you don't let one of those things off without there being some rather significant ramifications...
What kind of ramifications? Well let me tell you...
Terrigan Bombs my good friends release the Terrigan Mist...
Terrigan Mist activates dormant abilities in Inhuman descendants...
Which in turn means there's going to be a whole lot of new 'powered up' folks around for us and the AVENGERS to get to know...
And this one-shot by the AWESOME MATT FRACTION kicks it all off in wonderful style...
And serves as a lovely lead into the much anticipated April release of the new ongoing INHUMAN book...
So come on Guys' n Gals' give us a shout and get on this next big thing right at the start!!!...
Monday, 25 November 2013
It's gonna get wierd...
RICK REMENDER on his own indie sci-fi epic, throw in MATTEO SCALERA & DEAN WHITE covering the arts front and... Yeah, it's gonna get weird...
So what is BLACK SCIENCE #1 all about?...
Grant McKay, former member of The Anarchistic Order of Scientists, deciphered Black Science and punched through the barriers of reality. But every experiment has its unintended consequences, and instead of finding enlightenment and epiphany, McKay and his team find nothing but chaos as they are lost in an infinite ocean of alien worlds teeming with the unimaginable. Home is suddenly very far away, but McKay and crew have no choice—they must push forward...
Remender really is diving into this one, expecting the title to run and run...
He's already got the next 2 years of story mapped out...
And in IMAGE comics he's in the right place to hopefully make it happen...
Has he got what it takes to take on a long spanning saga?...
Just read his 3 year UNCANNY X-FORCE run...
Okay, what about sci-fi?...
Erm, he's the guy who's taken Cap to DIMENSION Z!...
So come on Guys' n Gals' give us a shout and get on this shot gun ride through time and space...
Monday, 18 November 2013
Who's ready for some crazy?...
Because fresh from her starring role in the SUICIDE SQUAD Harley's back...
And in her own ongoing book!!!...
And this week we've got the lead-in to that ongoing book, HARLEY QUINN #0...
So the SUICIDE SQUAD couldn't hold her and it seems those 4 walls don't either from the look of this preview...
Yep, that fourth wall hasn't been this smashed for quite some time...
You see this #0 issue is all about Harley and her writers Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner, deciding on just who gets to be the one to draw the ongoing book, starting December 2013...
So who is scribbling this issue?... More like who isn't!?...
With the #0 featuring art by her co-creator, Bruce Timm, as well as a host of other legendary artists, from Adam Hughes to Darwyn Cooke, to Dave Johnson, to Paul Pope!!!...
That's surely got to be enough for ya'll to get those fingers tapping in an ordering frenzy for #0... And then again for the ongoing title...
And you just know her 'Puddin's going to be making an appearance or two!...
Monday, 11 November 2013
X book with no X-Overs...
So the MARVEL KNIGHTS line of books has kicked off again...
So far we've been treated to the marvelous MARVEL KNIGHTS SPIDER-MAN issues #1 and #2 by MATT KINDT, who's taking us through a brilliantly trippy Spidey tale with Petey Parker still in charge of his own body (issues #1 and #2 still in stock at the time of writing at your friendly neighbourhood FROG BROS COMICS AND BOOKS folks)...
And this week we've got the X-MEN...
Well it is their 50th anniversary and all...
For those of you who aren't sure, the MARVEL KNIGHTS series are mini's that... In Joe Quesada's words 'think outside the box, that challenge readers to re-think their favorite Marvel characters and re-evaluate the legends that surround them'...
MARVEL KNIGHTS X-MEN #1 (OF 5) is in safe hands for that, being given to an indie creator best known for his miniseries "Guerillas" (originally published by Image Comics and collected by Oni Press)...
Brahm Revel, check out some of his work here...
And then get ready to be taken on an X murder mystery with Wolverine, Rogue and Kitty Pryde as they investigate a sleepy small town...
The snippets that have been released so far look great and something very very different to the 100's of other X books out there...
And there's no danger of it crossing over!...
An X book with guaranteed no X-overs... shout to get on it...
Monday, 4 November 2013
The year's most anticipated book?...
Yes folks it's finally here, the year's most anticipated book!!!...
The return of the JOKER...
Collecting the entire arc from the BATMAN books...
From the spine chilling issue #13 right through to the 'family' trust destroying issue #17...
This really was a knockout story from the team that keeps taking the BATMAN soaring to new heights...
After being absent from the NEW52 since DETECTIVE COMICS #1 when he let someone carve his face off...
The returning JOKER is even more scary, twisted and freaky than ever before...
CAPULLO's JOKER cruising around with his face tied back on with belts really is a visual treat...
And SNYDER's writing is just as tight as ever...
This first printing of this book comes with an acetate dust jacket showcasing the face of The Joker as it appeared on the die-cut covers of the "Death of the Family" comics...
That won't be repeated on subsequent printings...
So be quick and CONTACT US to get your copy put by...
Monday, 28 October 2013
Now look who's back...
And we could not be more excited!!!...
You see, we at FROG BROS COMICS AND BOOKS have always really quite liked Damian Wayne...
Ever since this iteration of the character first popped up a WHOPPING 7 years ago in BATMAN #655...
We loved every moment of the little bugger's life and times...
Seeing him grow from a Alfred beating blood hungry thug...
Into a Alfred loving blood hungry thug...
Damian Wayne really has become one of the Frog's favourite characters of the last few years...
So much so that it is still hard to pick up Peter J Thomasi's BATMAN AND... Title, despite it being one of the best NEW52 books!...
This week though we're going to get a little bit of Damian back in DAMIAN SON OF BATMAN #1 (OF 4)...
Written and drawn by Damian's co-creator (No not Talia) Andy Kubert...
DAMIAN SON OF BATMAN re-visits the future shown throughout Morrison's run, with Damian having taken over the cowl...
It's not the same as having him back in the NEW52 I know...
But at least it's Damian back for a while and that might just have to be enough for now...
Monday, 21 October 2013
Get ready for a luxurious read...
ED BRUBAKER and STEVE EPTING teaming up again on another spy and espionage story...
Yes please!!!...
For those of you not sure of what we're banging on about get out there and find this teams run on CAPTAIN AMERICA...
Probably the most celebrated run in the character's long history...
And it was a run very much centered around spy and espionage sensibilities...
So to say these 2 have previous for making AWESOME comics, well that is just an understatement...
And that is exactly what VELVET #1 is all about, spying and espionage...
And it's going to be AWESOME!!!...
The story of a veteran agent named Velvet Templeton who returns to the field to clear her name after she’s framed for the murder of the world’s top secret agent...
The art looks AMAZING and the writing is sure to be tight...
Oh, and it's being put out there by IMAGE and we know those guys know a good comic book...
This is sure to fly off the shelves so best bet is to reserve a copy or get in early on Wednesday.
CONTACT US to get your copy put by...
Monday, 14 October 2013
Heeeeee’s back...
The Joker’s first proper appearances in the New 52 collected in this spectacular hardcover book...
For all you guys that missed him the first time around tut tut tut...
The clown prince of crime cuts a swath of mayhem across Gotham and nobody, including the villains are safe from his deranged antics...
Can Batman’s network of allies save the day?..
Will the Caped Crusader survive or will he find an anti-Joker repellent spray in his utility belt and save the day Adam West style?..
Will Jason Todd get another crow bar to the head?..
I already know what happens but if you don’t then you need this rather sexy looking book in your collection...
Collects Catwoman #13-14, Batgirl #13-16, Suicide Squad #14-15, Batman and Robin #15-16, Nightwing #15-16, Detective Comics #15-16, Red Hood and the Outlaws #15-16, and Teen Titans #15-16...
This is sure to fly off the shelves so best bet is to reserve a copy or get in early on Wednesday.
CONTACT US to get your copy put by...
Monday, 7 October 2013
Looking in your eyes I see a paradise
This world that I found is too good to be true.
Standing here beside you
Want so much to give you
This love in my heart that I'm feeling for you.
Let em say we're crazy
I don't care about that
Put your hand in my hand
Don't ever look back.
Let the world around us just fall apart
Baby we can make it if we're heart to heart.
And we can build this dream together
Standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now.
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other.
Nothing's gonna stop us.
Nothing's gonna stop us now.
I'm so glad I found you
I'm not gonna lose you
Whatever it takes I will stay here with you.
Take it to the good times
See it through the bad times
Whatever it takes is what I'm gonna do.
Let them say we're crazy
What do they know?
Put your arms around me
Baby don't ever let go.
Let the world around us just fall apart
Baby we can make it if we're heart to heart.
And we can build this dream together
Standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now.
And if this world runs out of lovers,
We'll still have each other.
Nothing's gonna stop us.
Nothing's gonna stop us ...
All that I need is you
all that I ever need.
And all that I want to do ...
Is hold you forever
Ever and ever!
And we can build this dream together
Standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now.
And if this world runs out of lovers,
We'll still have each other.
Nothing's gonna stop us.
Nothing's gonna stop us.
. . .
Guilty pleasures... There's no shame here...
CONTACT US to order... your secret's safe!..
Monday, 30 September 2013
Soaring HIGH...
There's no doubt about it folks the DC imprint VERTIGO really is knocking out some quite stellar titles at the moment...
And we think that HINTERKIND #1 could well be about to join the recent list of...
All great recent releases that the FROG BROS recon have the chance of going down in comic book folk lore with SANDMAN and PREACHER...
And now it's time for HINTERKIND #1...
Written by Brit Ian Edginton who cut his teeth on some AWESOME 2000AD stories...
Art by Francesco Trifogli looks all kinds of AWESOME....
Check some out here...
Nice huh?...
This post apocalyptic world looks pretty...
Which to me should really work in a story about Mother Nature fighting back...
Along with some weird HINTERKIND beasts...
Get in touch to get on it and see if us pesky humans can get out of this fix...
Monday, 16 September 2013
A book for the HORROR lovers to sink their teeth into!...
Yes folks after weeks of the big two publishers churning out event after event and month long initiatives we're most looking forward this week to the start of a HORROR book by one of the littler guys...
KISS ME SATAN #1 (OF 5)...
Just the title screams that we should rush out and grab this book!...
When we tell you it's printed by DARK HORSE comics, the company that already have the recent horror master pieces of RAGEMOOR, COLDER and THE STRAIN...
So we know these guys can scare us but what does this book have apart from an AMAZING title?...
Well it's written by VICTOR GISCHLER, a name those of you that read the funny books with no pictures might know from his acclaimed crime novels...
Or those of you, who like me only read the real books might know from such comics as DEADPOOL MERC WITH A MOUTH...
And to get you even more excited it's drawn by the massively talented JUAN FERREYRA, the guy who's pencils graced last years fantastic COLDER!...
KISS ME SATAN #1 (OF 5) Promises to be a horror, crime pulp mash up and with this team I for one am in...
Set in a New Orleans full of werewolves, witches, vampires and malicious spellcasters. Gischler describes the book as a dark urban fantasy with a noir edge and plenty of eye popping visuals...
Monday, 9 September 2013
A nasty shock for THANOS and a new on-going series for us... WhooHoo!...
Ladies and Gentlemen may we please introduce...
Yes folks with the AVENGERS of every other ilk either off in space battling the big bad Builders (read INFINITY if you don't know what we're banging on about, you really should be anyway!)...
Or failing pretty miserably to hold back the equally Big Bad THANOS, who is rather cleverly using this time to attack the more than usually defenseless earth (again if your not sure what we're going on about read INFINITY, there's loads going on!)...
Earth is in a pretty bad state and crying out for heroes, not just any heroes...
Mighty ones!!!...
Queue Luke Cage! The Superior Spider-Man! Spectrum! The White Tiger! Power Man! And a mysterious figure in an ill-fitting Spider-Man Halloween costume!...
This unlikely team of heroes must assemble when no one else can-against the unrelenting attack of Proxima Midnight, the greatest warrior in all of THANOS' army!...
Written by Al Ewing and with art by Greg Land this is one INFINITY tie-in you really don't want to miss...
It's going to be one crazy messed up AVENGERS team, c'mon LUKE CAGE and SUPERIOR DOC O... Sorry SPIDER-MAN together!!!...
And you don't have to miss anything... Just hit this link and let us know you want on, we'll do the rest!!!...
Who is that other geezer in the Spidey outfit?..
Monday, 2 September 2013
And so starts VILLAIN MONTH!!!...
Yes folks the waiting is over and DC's VILLAINS MONTH kicks off this week, with all stories from the NEW52 stopping and the VILLAINS of each hero taking a .1, .2, .3 and even .4 edition of your favourite characters' comic...
And if that ain't enough, spinning straight from the last DC event TRINITY WAR comes the next one FOREVER EVIL #1...
Yep, the knife edge we were left on saw the 'JUSTICE LEAGUE' of EARTH-3, the CRIME SYNDICATE OF AMERICA, burst into PRIME EARTH led by EARTH-3's Alfred...
So with PRIME EARTH now under the control of these EARTH-3 rapscallions who's going to save the day?...
Following the leadership of one LEX LUTHOR!!!...
Yep the bad guys are forming a messed up 'JUSTICE LEAGUE' of their own to save the day and hopefully succeed where DC's most famous band of heroes failed...
Written by the ever reliable Geoff Johns and with art from the ever talented David Finch this 7 issue mini-series, along with all the VILLAINS MONTH comics hitting the shelves this September promises to be one of the darkest and deliciously BAD months ever!!!...
So go on, listen to the Devil on your shoulder for this month and join us and DC comics NEW52 in breaking new ground (again) and get down and dirty with VILLAINS MONTH and FOREVER EVIL...
SCREAM to get on this tale of EVIL V's EVIL or any of the VILLAINS month titles that may have caught your EVIL eye!!!...
Monday, 26 August 2013
So regular readers of this little part of our website (we're told there are some!) will know that usually this space is reserved for the new single issues that are to be hitting our shelves and getting us most excited each week...
Well this week the space is still reserved for what we see as the most exciting release...
But we're mixing it up a little... This week what's getting us most hot and bothered is GUARDIANS OF GALAXY PREM HC VOL 01 COSMIC AVENGERS NOW...
Yes folks a collected edition... But not just any collected edition...
GUARDIANS OF GALAXY PREM HC VOL 01 COSMIC AVENGERS NOW is the collected edition of what, in the FROG BROS' humble opinion is one of the best books hitting the shelves...
Written by the marvelous Brian Michael Bendis and drawn by the brilliant Steve McNiven...
This book is the prefect jumping on spot for anyone who missed the single issues...
And introducing the COSMIC AVENGERS team of Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, the Invincible Iron Man... and GROOT!...
Why wait for the movie?...
Just HOLLER and get this magnificent source material!!!...
Monday, 19 August 2013
Because, let's face it there just aren't enough BAT-Books on the shelves already...
Yeah, yeah, yeah okay... Maybe there are... Maybe...
But at least in BATMAN BEYOND UNIVERSE #1 it's the BATMAN of the future, so not Bruce or even a Lazarus pit dipping Damian Wayne...
No in the BEYOND UNIVERSE Bats is... Terry McGinnis... Never heard of him? Well give this book a whirl and then you will...
This is a new start for the BEYOND UNIVERSE but everything is still going to be running in continuity, so settle down long term lovers of this Bat-verse...
Barbara's still ensconced in her Dad's old job and there'll be plenty of the old rogues gallery popping up too...
And you don't just get one book for your buck here, no no...
With these digital first books you also get the JUSTICE LEAGUE BEYOND... And that means a widowed SUPERMAN preparing to dip his foot back in the dating waters following the death of Louise... Pronounced Lewis for those not in the know like the other Frog Bro...
That and a promise that as the story unfolds we'll all find out, readers new and old alike why the BATMAN OF THE FUTURE is now walking with a limp...
That's gotta be enough to tweak your interest, no?...
If so HOLLER...
Friday, 9 August 2013
It is going to go off...
Yes folks finally after months of build up that has been merrily going on in the house of ideas this Wednesday the 6 issue mini series INFINITY is finally going to be with us!!!...
Another event I hear you all groan... And yes it is...
Will it be worth your hard earned quids?...
We think so... But then we would being in the comic book retail business wouldn't we?...
So what's it all about then?...
Basically there's a massive threat to the world that has meant CAP, IRON MAN and the rest of the AVENGERS are out in the cosmos trying to keep us all safe from this BIG BAD...
BANG! Never missing a trick who notices our little rock's defences are down?...
Only the BIGGEST bad guy around, yep again folks it's THANOS!!!...
The guy who can level cities with a breath and counts DEATH as a bed fellow...
So yep yep yep... It's all gonna kick off... On earth... In space...
It's going to be BIG...
All that's left is to ask, who wants onto INFINITY?...
Monday, 5 August 2013
The LAST love story ever told...
From the pen of Jeff Lemire...
Yes folks the talented Jeff Lemire who almost made us cry last week with the fantastically touching ANIMAL MAN ANNUAL (If you didn't pick it up we urge you to do it and test out those tear ducts!)...
This week returns with a new VERTIGO mini-series TRILLIUM #1...
This is a love story about two disparate souls separated by thousands of years and hundreds of millions of miles...
Yet they will fall in love and, as a result, bring about the end of the universe...
If you haven't read any of Lemire's previous work then we would recommend you to get out there... Or down here to our shop and try SWEET TOOTH, ANIMAL MAN, CONSTANTINE or last years UNDERWATER WELDER...
This guy can write...
And he's equally amazing with a pencil, building gorgeous stylised worlds...
Yep you guessed it, he's taking on the arts duties on this one too...
Comics don't have to be just about super heroes smacking each other about...
And Jeff Lemire's about to illustrate that to us all over again... I for one can't wait... Let us know if you feel the same and want on this book?..
Monday, 29 July 2013
Are you ready for a new science based psychedelic, reality altering book from VERTIGO?..
Good, we are too and this week drops COLLIDER #1...
From the pen of Simon Oliver writer of EXTERMINATORS and GEN13...
Art by Robbie Rodriguez who's blasted out some amazingly stylized stuff for IMAGE and MARVEL...
The colourist on this one (I know right, we're banging on about a colourist?!) Rico Renzi really could be the unsung star...
Bringing a mad trippy vibrancy to the book with block almost fluorescent pinks and yellows that scream for a page to be read...
And perfectly compliment the subject matter...
Y'see COLLIDER #1 is based in a world where the laws of physics as we know them are starting to crack and holes are starting to appear in space and time...
Leading to the formation of The Federal Bureau of Physics, there 'to prevent and protect.'...
But things are starting to get worse, can the FBP handle it?..
Only one way to find out folks... HOLLER to get on this book today... Or yesterday... If you can from where that wormhole's taken you...
Monday, 15 July 2013
Who's up for some fun in old Gotham town?...
ADAM WEST's Gotham, filled with 'BIFFS' 'POWS' and a fantastically camp energy that brings the TV show we all loved back to life…
Yes folks BATMAN 66 #1 arrives this week!...
And it's an AWESOME, colourfull, fun filled trip down memory lane…
There's no dark knight here…
This BATMAN really is the caped crusader I'm sure we all remember from growing up in front of the idiot box, tuning in to Adam West and the BOY WONDER…
It's got everything we all loved about the show…
Including the BAT-MOBILE!!!…
The writing is marvelous, Jeff Parker has absolutely nailed the dialogue...
But the real star of the show is Jonathan Case's wonderfully vibrant art work...
This digital first comic is finally hitting the print stands and oh my gosh it's great!!!
So come on folks, the NEW52 is a great place but very, very dark and gritty...
With BATMAN 66 DC are proving they can still do good, fun comics...
To jump on it HOLLER...
Monday, 8 July 2013
Really, we're getting excited about some re-prints?…
You bet we are folks… It's DREDD!!!...
For many of us growing up in good 'ol Blighty in the 80's, without access to AWESOME shops like FROG BROS COMICS AND BOOKS, 2000AD was our weekly fix of comics goodness…
And the big old headline act of that amazingly creative, ideas filled book was DREDD…
An American law enforcement officer of the future Mega-City One a dirty and violent city where uniformed Judges dish out on the spot arrests, sentencing and executions…
JUDGE DREDD obviously being the biggest, baddest Judge of them all…
And in JUDGE DREDD CLASSICS #1 we get to re-live some of the classic storylines that gave birth to the legend!…
And with all new colours!...
The first book is bringing us 'Block Mania,' which will lead to the beloved Apocalypse War! ...
Sorry Mrs frog but I'm firing up the torch and re-living my youth by reading this bad boy under the covers... Who's with me?!
To jump on it HOLLER...
Monday, 1 July 2013
Those three words followed by exclamation marks are enough to have me sold…
If you need more then read on dear reader…
SATELLITE SAM #1, hitting the FROG shelves Wednesday 03rd July 2013 is published by those great folks at IMAGE, is written by Matt Fraction and has art by Howard Chaykin…
Yes folks that's FRACTION who's penned the AWESOME sleeper hit of HAWKEYE, FF and FANTASTIC FOUR (How does the guy find the time?!)…
So you can be sure we're going to have lots of square jaws, smokey scenes and comb-overs…
Which we are willing to bet will work perfectly on a book set in the murky world of a 40's TV studio…
Throw in the SEX!, DEATH! LIVE TV!...
How can this team and this book fail?...
To jump on it HOLLER...
Monday, 24 June 2013
By the BIG TWO…
Yes folks the waiting is almost finally over and BATMAN SUPERMAN #1 is hitting the Frog shelves…
Written by the AWESOME Greg Pak, probably best known for his brilliant WORLD WAR HULK run…
And with arts from the genius that is Jae Lee of DARK TOWER and BEFORE WATCHMEN OZYMANDIAS…
This first book is going to focus on the first meeting between the two big hitters of the DC UNIVERSE…
Placed around the same time as Morrison's ACTION COMICS #1…
We're willing to wager that this book is going to be a big ol' Buddy comic team-up hit…
With the chalk and cheese characters playing off against each other...
We've got the inherantly good SUPERMAN and the bad to the bone BATMAN...
It's going to be AWESOME!!!...
To jump on it HOLLER...
Monday, 17 June 2013
Yes folks the guy who's billed as one of the founders of the zombie renaissance, Max Brooks has sold millions of books...
He's the guy who penned The Zombie Survival Guide which really started the whole zombie prep subculture, it's graphic novel companion Recorded Attacks debuted as #1 on the New Times Bestseller list...
He followed that up with WORLD WAR Z adapted by Brad Pitt into what is sure to be one of the biggest blockbuster movies of 2013....
And now he's coming back to comics, aided on the arts front by another guy who's no stranger to crazy cannibals from his work on CROSSED, the very talented Mr Raulo Caceres....
EXTINCTION PARADE #1 is not just about ZOMBIES though...
While it is the undead Zombie herds that are wiping out humanity, it seems the humans might just have an unlikely ally...
VAMPIRES!!! Yep the bloodsuckers are worried the ZOMBIES are going to wipe out their food supply...
Which tee's it all up nicely for one massive gore filled fight fest!!!...
HOLLER to get EXTINCTION PARADE #1 added to your pull-list!...
Monday, 10 June 2013
The wait is over folks and the BIG BLUE BOYSCOUT IS BACK!!!...
Okay so he's never really been away...
It's just that this time we think this is going to be a SUPERMAN comic that actually makes the character pertinent again...
You see the Frog Bros have always been fans of Sup (How could we not be?)...
But even we have to admit that the character is a hero for a bygone age, just too good, too nice and a character that really works when in the JUSTICE LEAGUE with the other flawed members to work off...
In fact... Sorry needed a pause before putting this out there...
Apart from the GROUNDED storyline by J. Micheal Straczynski and RED SON by MARK MILLAR, there really hasn't been many good Sup reads over the last few years...
Even the great GRANT MORRISON couldn't buck the trend on the NEW52's ACTION COMICS...
We're willing to bet that's all about to change...
How can it not with SCOTT SNYDER and JIM LEE getting together for SUPERMAN UNCHAINED #1?...
If these guys can't breath some new life into the MAN OF STEEL then for me it's time to hang up the red pants...
HOLLER to get SUPERMAN UNCHAINED #1 added to your pull-list!...
Monday, 3 June 2013
Oh go on then, just one last time...
And so just in time for KICK ASS 2 hitting the silver screen...
We have KICK ASS 3 #1 (of 8) hitting the massively more important FROG shelves...
Yes folks this week we get re-introduced to, what are for me, two of the better comic book characters from the last few years, KICK ASS and HIT GIRL...
It's the comic gods of MARK MILLAR and JOHN ROMITA JNR teaming up for the last time on this sure fire hit...
So we left off with HIT GIRL being put in the clink...
And that's exactly where this one jumps off...
With KICK ASS the leader of JUSTICE FOREVER, leading a jail break...
When he's already a costumed hero that's been outlawed after the big old smack down from KICK ASS 2...
Is he now in too deep?...
HOLLER to get KICK ASS 3 #1 (of 8) added to your pull-list!...
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
And there's no doubt it's going to be AWESOME...
Why are we so sure WAKE #1 is going to so so good?...
Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy is for why folks...
The last time these two comic book thoroughbreds from the DC and VERTIGO stables got together we were treated to AMERICAN VAMPIRE: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, a beautiful book that added so much to the amazingly sprawling AMERICAN VAMPIRE world built by SNYDER and RAFAEL ALBUQUERQUE...
Since then, although AM VAM's taken a hiatus SNYDER has continued to knock BATMAN out of the park and has been prepping SUPERMAN UNCHAINED with JIM LEE (We cannot even start to convey how excited we are about this book's release in a couple of weeks)...
And SEAN MURPHY completed his brilliant PUNK ROCK JESUS, which is even more awesome when you think the guy did all the writing, drawing... Hell I bet he even wrote the theme tune, sang the theme tune...
But back to the pressing matter of what is WAKE all about?...
It's billed as a sci-fi/horror epic that explores the horrors of the deep, probes the origins of human history, and leaps far beyond to a frightening future...
And with these two at the helm, who's betting against it being a hit?...
Not us!!!...
HOLLER to get WAKE #1 (OF 10) added to your pull-list!...
Monday, 20 May 2013
Yes people this week we're getting excited about SOLID STATE TANK GIRL #1...
Which for those of you who don't know is pretty much the nearest thing to punk rock comics you can get...
The original, created by Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett, Hewlett went on to find fame as the birther to the GORILLAZ...
Martin's stuck around and has continued to pen the great puerile delights of TANK GIRL...
So what's the plot?...
Who cares! It's a TANK GIRL comic! We don't read these things for the plot...
Oh no dear reader you read these for gross out puerile humur mixed with punk rock crazy art work...
And who's stepping up to the arts plate?...
Warwick Johnson-Cadwell, not heard of him? Don't feel bad folks, he's a newcomer to the block, but has a crazy art style that we're willing to bet it is going to match the TANK GIRL character brilliantly...
So if you want to try summit a bit different, try this...
HOLLER to get TANK GIRL SOLID STATE added to your pull-list!...
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