Sunday, 24 March 2013
To countless other worlds...
Yes! This week hitting the FROG shelves we have GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #1...
And after the fantastic #0.1 issue from last month (still got a few issues in stock for anyone that missed it) How could we not get excited?..
The #0.1 issue laid the groundwork telling us the brilliant origin story of STAR-LORD...
It also gave us a glimpse of the AWESOME cast in this book and the great story telling of Brian Micheal Bendis and Steve McNiven...
After his celebrated run on the AVENGERS proper who better than BMB to tackle the COSMIC AVENGERS?...
In this first issue of what we're betting will be a knockout series Earth has been labelled a 'no go' area...
No one touches Earth! No one!! That's the word coming from STAR-LORD's Dad...
Which pretty much paints a big old target on this little young planet of ours...
And it's up to the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY to sort it all out...
A space opera kick-ass comic with daddy issues, a talking Racoon, BMB writing, Steve McNiven on art and IRON MAN...
I'll have me some of that... Want to join us on the journey?..
CONTACT US to get the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY added to your pull-list...
Or take out a 6 issue subscription here...
Monday, 18 March 2013
The HELLBLAZER is dead...
Long live the HELLRAISER...
Sure it was sad that after 300 issues and 20 odd years VERTIGO decided to end their longest running monthly title HELLBLAZER...
But how great is it that JOHN CONSTANTINE is coming back this week in his own ongoing series as part of the NEW52 in CONSTANTINE #1?..
This new title gives new readers a perfect jumping on point to a character that perhaps in the HELLBLAZER title had become a little inaccessible...
And OH what a character he his! Magician, occult detective, con man, womaniser, heavy smoker and hard drinker...
Operating in the 'dark' corners of the 52 CONSTANTINE's John Constantine in will be a younger version than the 50 something grizzled magician of HELLBLAZER...
But he'll still have all his wit and silver tongue, words are this guys weapons and I for one can't wait to see how the writing team on this one are going to use them...
Who are the lucky folks working on this title? ...
Writers Jeff Lemire and Ray Fawkes will be joined by Renato Guedes on arts...
And they've all got some pretty big shoes to fill, having to follow such luminaries as Garth Ennis, Mike Carey, Paul Jenkins, Warren Ellis, Brian Azzarello, Neil Gaiman, Grant Morrison, Denise Mina, and Peter Milligan and celebrated artists like John Ridgway, Simon Bisley, Richard Corben, Steve Dillon, Jock, David Lloyd, and Sean Phillips.
So can these guys live up to those that have gone before? Only 2 ways to find out...
CONTACT US to get the CONSTANTINE added to your pull-list...
Or take out a 6 issue subscription here...
Monday, 11 March 2013
C'mon he's still THE BEST THERE IS...
Yes fight fans it's time to get excited, the best there is at what he does has got another new book...
Not satisfied it seems with being a member of pretty much EVERY team that comes out of the HOUSE OF IDEAS...
And seemingly not satisfied with already having 3 books which carry his moniker in WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN, SAVAGE WOLVERINE and WOLVERINE MAX...
This week he gets another ongoing title WOLVERINE #1 NOW!...
Written by PAUL CORNELL who's returning to Marvel and illustrated by ALAN DAVIS the one time Alan Moore friend and co-oper...
With this team, how can we not get excited?...
CORNELL is bigging this one up as the book that centres WOLVERINE in the Marvel universe and will be the title other books look to take their lead...
Unlike the AWESOME SAVAGE WOLVERINE where we've got a Buddy comic going on and unlike the brilliant WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN where he's supported by any number of teenage and fully grow mutants...
WOLVERINE NOW is going to focus on JAMES LOGAN and the many stories that can be told from the ol' boys life...
CONTACT US to get the WOLVERINE NOW! added to your pull-list...
Monday, 4 March 2013
It' the end of the world as we know it (repeat x2) and I feel fine...
Better than fine in fact, this week is an AWESOME week for comics...
And heading up the list of AWESOME releases is MARVEL's AGE OF ULTRON #1...
Yes it's the first big event of MARVEL NOW!...
I hear that 'not another event' groan... And yep it's not very long since AVX...
But the AGE OF ULTRON is gonna be GREAT!!! and here's for why...
First, it's the return of ULTRON, c'mon that should be enough...
If not how about this, it's written by Brian Michael Bendis... All his NOW! books have been fantastic so far...
Thirdly the art teams of Bryan Hitch, Brandon Peterson, Carlos Pacheco...
Still not enough? What about 4,5 and 6 IT'S THE RETURN OF ULTRON!!!...
So c'mon guys, have a long lie down in a darkend room to recover from the last bout of event fatigue...
And then get ready for it to kick in again...
CONTACT US to get the AGE OF ULTRON added to your pull-list or take out a subscription to whole lot here...
And here's the full check-list in all its glory:
MARCH 2013
Age of Ultron #1
Age of Ultron #2
Fantastic Four #5AU
Age of Ultron #3
Superior Spider-Man #6AU
APRIL 2013
Age of Ultron #4
Ultron #1AU
Avengers Assemble #14AU
Age of Ultron #5
Age of Ultron #6
Wolverine & the X-Men #27AU
MAY 2013
Age of Ultron #7
Avengers Assemble #15AU
Age of Ultron #8
Uncanny Avengers #8AU
Fearless Defenders #4AU
JUNE 2013
Age of Ultron #9
Age of Ultron #10
Age of Ultron Epilogue
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