Monday, 22 April 2013
E E E EEEPIC!!!...
Finally the book billed as 'the superhero epic that all future comics will be measured by' hits the FROG shelves!!!...
Granted this was probably written by Mark Millar himself and obviously he's no shrinking violet but still this is a book worth getting excited about JUPITERS LEGACY #1...
What's it about...
Well it's being trumpeted as a sprawling epic to rival STAR WARS and the LORD OF THE RINGS with a cast of hundreds that spans generations...
And it's by the Superstar team of Mark Millar and Frank Quitley...
Yes dear reader you did just read that correctly Mark Millar of KICK ASS, AMERICAN JESUS and CIVIL WAR fame...
And FRANK QUITLEY one of the FROG BROS very favourite artists who's pen has graced such beautiful books as WE3, BATMAN AND ROBIN and ALL STAR SUPERMAN...
These 2 working together on a huge story like JUPITERS LEGACY...
Of course we're going to get excited! We are even believing the strap line!!!...
CONTACT US to get JUPITERS LEGACY added to your pull-list... And if any of you know the great Millar man himself please ask him when AMERICAN JESUS vol.02 is going to be with us?...
Monday, 8 April 2013
Yes!!! A BAT-FAMILY book to turn every family into a BAT-FAMILY...
Why so excited about an all-ages book?...
Well dear reader the sad fact is there aren't that many GREAT ones out there...
But this one is drawn by... DUSTIN NGUYEN!!!
The FROG BROS have been long time admirers but the art in this book takes it to another level and proves that DC have an artist to rival Scottie Young over at Marvel when it comes to capturing and kiddifying their best loved characters...
All painted in beautiful water colour, his porky FLASH is a personal favourite...
Each issue from the series is to be based around a holiday and the first on Halloween...
Well it had to be... It is a BATMAN book!!!...
And it's the only day the Super-Villains can go out and blend in... There's a great scene of them all hanging out having dinner...
BATMAN LI'L GOTHAM is for me the comics equivalent to TOY STORY, sure it's a great title for kids but also has enough nods and just over their heads humour to keep us older fans of the funny books loving it too...
And then there's the art... AMAZING!!!...
A great new any ages comic for the whole family... CONTACT US to get it added to your pull-list or SUBSCRIBE HERE...
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- frog bros comics and books, this is a blog all about well comics and books. We do deal in both but this is not a forum for us to peddle any crap... if it's not good we'll tell you and if something rocks our boat, well we'll tell you that too.