Tuesday, 28 May 2013
And there's no doubt it's going to be AWESOME...
Why are we so sure WAKE #1 is going to so so good?...
Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy is for why folks...
The last time these two comic book thoroughbreds from the DC and VERTIGO stables got together we were treated to AMERICAN VAMPIRE: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, a beautiful book that added so much to the amazingly sprawling AMERICAN VAMPIRE world built by SNYDER and RAFAEL ALBUQUERQUE...
Since then, although AM VAM's taken a hiatus SNYDER has continued to knock BATMAN out of the park and has been prepping SUPERMAN UNCHAINED with JIM LEE (We cannot even start to convey how excited we are about this book's release in a couple of weeks)...
And SEAN MURPHY completed his brilliant PUNK ROCK JESUS, which is even more awesome when you think the guy did all the writing, drawing... Hell I bet he even wrote the theme tune, sang the theme tune...
But back to the pressing matter of what is WAKE all about?...
It's billed as a sci-fi/horror epic that explores the horrors of the deep, probes the origins of human history, and leaps far beyond to a frightening future...
And with these two at the helm, who's betting against it being a hit?...
Not us!!!...
HOLLER to get WAKE #1 (OF 10) added to your pull-list!...
Monday, 20 May 2013
Yes people this week we're getting excited about SOLID STATE TANK GIRL #1...
Which for those of you who don't know is pretty much the nearest thing to punk rock comics you can get...
The original, created by Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett, Hewlett went on to find fame as the birther to the GORILLAZ...
Martin's stuck around and has continued to pen the great puerile delights of TANK GIRL...
So what's the plot?...
Who cares! It's a TANK GIRL comic! We don't read these things for the plot...
Oh no dear reader you read these for gross out puerile humur mixed with punk rock crazy art work...
And who's stepping up to the arts plate?...
Warwick Johnson-Cadwell, not heard of him? Don't feel bad folks, he's a newcomer to the block, but has a crazy art style that we're willing to bet it is going to match the TANK GIRL character brilliantly...
So if you want to try summit a bit different, try this...
HOLLER to get TANK GIRL SOLID STATE added to your pull-list!...
Monday, 13 May 2013
A dream exchange...
That apparently is the main idea behind the book that hits the frog shelves this week...
And we think it's going to be big...
It's from IMAGE and their track record is pretty amazing...
It's written by the very same talented chap that brought us WHO IS JAKE ELLIS? Nathan Edmondson...
The art is by a newcomer but if the leaked pages are anything to go by, this kid's going to be around for a long long time, welcome Konstantin Novosadov...
So what's DREAM MERCHANT #1 (OF 6) all about?...
It's a twisted sci-fi tale that follows a troubled mental patient who suffers from bizarre recurring nightmare...
When he discovers its true meaning, the world will literally change...
And we think it looks really, really good, check out a sneak peak here...
And then HOLLER to get this image #1 added to your pull-list!...
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Too much Yackin'... Not enough Scrappin'...
At least that's what we're told CHIN MUSIC means - Too much Yackin and not enough Scrappin'...
As paid up lovers not fighters the Frog Bros will have to take what we've heard as gospel and tell you guys that this week we think this will be the book you'll LOVE!...
Well it's a horror comic and they seem to rock you guys and gals' boats... And it's written by the guy who is touted as the man who brought this genre of comic back to the fore... STEVE NILES!!!...
Yep, the same and very Steve Niles of 30 DAYS OF NIGHT fame...
Throw in TONY HARRIS the pencil wielder from EX MACHINA and you can see why we're backing this one...
So what's CHIN MUSIC #1 all about?...
Well as far as we can tell it's about a time travelling gangster who's being hunted by a cast of demonic beings...
Oh and it also features Elliot Ness AND Al Capone...
I CANNOT WAIT for this one!...
CONTACT US to get CHIN MUSIC added to your pull-list...
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