Monday, 26 August 2013
So regular readers of this little part of our website (we're told there are some!) will know that usually this space is reserved for the new single issues that are to be hitting our shelves and getting us most excited each week...
Well this week the space is still reserved for what we see as the most exciting release...
But we're mixing it up a little... This week what's getting us most hot and bothered is GUARDIANS OF GALAXY PREM HC VOL 01 COSMIC AVENGERS NOW...
Yes folks a collected edition... But not just any collected edition...
GUARDIANS OF GALAXY PREM HC VOL 01 COSMIC AVENGERS NOW is the collected edition of what, in the FROG BROS' humble opinion is one of the best books hitting the shelves...
Written by the marvelous Brian Michael Bendis and drawn by the brilliant Steve McNiven...
This book is the prefect jumping on spot for anyone who missed the single issues...
And introducing the COSMIC AVENGERS team of Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, the Invincible Iron Man... and GROOT!...
Why wait for the movie?...
Just HOLLER and get this magnificent source material!!!...
Monday, 19 August 2013
Because, let's face it there just aren't enough BAT-Books on the shelves already...
Yeah, yeah, yeah okay... Maybe there are... Maybe...
But at least in BATMAN BEYOND UNIVERSE #1 it's the BATMAN of the future, so not Bruce or even a Lazarus pit dipping Damian Wayne...
No in the BEYOND UNIVERSE Bats is... Terry McGinnis... Never heard of him? Well give this book a whirl and then you will...
This is a new start for the BEYOND UNIVERSE but everything is still going to be running in continuity, so settle down long term lovers of this Bat-verse...
Barbara's still ensconced in her Dad's old job and there'll be plenty of the old rogues gallery popping up too...
And you don't just get one book for your buck here, no no...
With these digital first books you also get the JUSTICE LEAGUE BEYOND... And that means a widowed SUPERMAN preparing to dip his foot back in the dating waters following the death of Louise... Pronounced Lewis for those not in the know like the other Frog Bro...
That and a promise that as the story unfolds we'll all find out, readers new and old alike why the BATMAN OF THE FUTURE is now walking with a limp...
That's gotta be enough to tweak your interest, no?...
If so HOLLER...
Friday, 9 August 2013
It is going to go off...
Yes folks finally after months of build up that has been merrily going on in the house of ideas this Wednesday the 6 issue mini series INFINITY is finally going to be with us!!!...
Another event I hear you all groan... And yes it is...
Will it be worth your hard earned quids?...
We think so... But then we would being in the comic book retail business wouldn't we?...
So what's it all about then?...
Basically there's a massive threat to the world that has meant CAP, IRON MAN and the rest of the AVENGERS are out in the cosmos trying to keep us all safe from this BIG BAD...
BANG! Never missing a trick who notices our little rock's defences are down?...
Only the BIGGEST bad guy around, yep again folks it's THANOS!!!...
The guy who can level cities with a breath and counts DEATH as a bed fellow...
So yep yep yep... It's all gonna kick off... On earth... In space...
It's going to be BIG...
All that's left is to ask, who wants onto INFINITY?...
Monday, 5 August 2013
The LAST love story ever told...
From the pen of Jeff Lemire...
Yes folks the talented Jeff Lemire who almost made us cry last week with the fantastically touching ANIMAL MAN ANNUAL (If you didn't pick it up we urge you to do it and test out those tear ducts!)...
This week returns with a new VERTIGO mini-series TRILLIUM #1...
This is a love story about two disparate souls separated by thousands of years and hundreds of millions of miles...
Yet they will fall in love and, as a result, bring about the end of the universe...
If you haven't read any of Lemire's previous work then we would recommend you to get out there... Or down here to our shop and try SWEET TOOTH, ANIMAL MAN, CONSTANTINE or last years UNDERWATER WELDER...
This guy can write...
And he's equally amazing with a pencil, building gorgeous stylised worlds...
Yep you guessed it, he's taking on the arts duties on this one too...
Comics don't have to be just about super heroes smacking each other about...
And Jeff Lemire's about to illustrate that to us all over again... I for one can't wait... Let us know if you feel the same and want on this book?..
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- frog bros
- frog bros comics and books, this is a blog all about well comics and books. We do deal in both but this is not a forum for us to peddle any crap... if it's not good we'll tell you and if something rocks our boat, well we'll tell you that too.