Sunday, 26 January 2014
We ALL hate goodbye's when it comes to FIREFLY!...
But not to worry folks 'cos this week we have the return of the great JOSS WHEDON'S space cowboys...
Yes yes folks, SERENITY LEAVES ON THE WIND #1 (OF 6) hits the Frog shelves this week...
And although it is a mini-series, the noises coming from DARK HORSE are that the story will be left open to an ongoing series...
Meaning if enough of us buy this series, they'll kick it out in an ongoing series...
The irony of this and the whole FIREFLY thing is certainly not lost on the FROG BROS!...
So other than a thinly veiled bribe of more to come if you buy, what else can we tell you about the book?...
Well the great Joss isn't writing it but is the Executive Producer...
The actual scribing is being handed over to his brother Zack, so it's still in capable hands as we know from when he penned SERENITY A SHEPHERDS TALE...
And there's another link to the Joss-verse in the illustrator, Gearges Jeanty who's been knocking BUFFY out of the park in the last 2 seasons...
Story wise it's a sequel to SERENITY taking place 9 months after the movie with the crew hiding from the Alliance...
Basically that's all we know... And all we need too!!!...
If you still need more check out this PREVIEW...
Then GET IN TOUCH to get on it...
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Okay so as a genre Zombies have pretty much been done... Well to death... Sorry...
So why are we getting excited about this one?...
The answer's in the title people..
It's a George Romeros book!!!...
Yeah baby... The Daddy of the un-dead, at least the proper scary and evil un-dead is bringing his latest gore fest creation to the funny books!!!...
But wait it gets better...
How can it get better than George Romeros writing a brand new corpse walking story for Marvel?... I am sure I just heard you gasp...
Well folks, here's how...
GEORGE ROMEROS EMPIRE OF DEAD ACT ONE #1 (OF 5) is illustrated by...
YES!!! ALEX MALEEV of the great DAREDEVIL VOL.02 and GEORGE ROMERO on a brand new 5 issue mini-series...
Surely we need say no more, other than, GET IN TOUCH to get on it...
Sunday, 12 January 2014
All ages FUN FUN FUN!!!… (the Disney way)...
If you ask me there just aren't enough really good all ages books at the moment...
Hopefully that's about to all change this week with the release of DISNEY KINGDOMS SEEKERS OF WEIRD #1 (OF 5)...
The first comic series published under the all-new Disney Kingdoms banner!...
Created in close partnership with designers, producers, and creative directors from Walt Disney Imagineering...
It's got to be good right?...
Written by BRANDON SEIFERT, probably best known for his creator own crazy romp WITCH DOCTOR books...
And with art from KARL MOLINE of working with the great Joss Whedon on BUFFY and assorted spin-offs fame...
The Disney Kingdoms line promises new and exciting adventures expanding upon already beloved lands, attractions, characters, and worlds of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts...
DISNEY KINGDOMS SEEKERS OF WEIRD #1 (OF 5) is inspired by the apparently legendary but never constructed Museum of the Weird...
So can the Disney boys and girls turn their hands to comics?...
Follow teens Maxwell and Melody, thrust into a thrilling race through the world's strangest and most dangerous museum when their parents are kidnapped to find out!...
If you are interested in going along for the ride Holler here!...
Monday, 6 January 2014
It's official... It's now an AVENGERS WORLD...
And you know what that means?...
Yep, you guessed it folks, another AVENGERS book coming out of Marvel!...
So like me you might have thought that INFINITY was pretty awesome but the final issue seemed, well just like a bit of a spring board...
But for what?...
Then along came INHUMANITY (kind of, what's a deadline between friends and fans?)...
But the House of Ideas aren't stopping there, oh no, not when there's...
Written by Jonathan Hickman and Nick Spencer with art by Stefano Caselli AVENGERS WORLD promises to build on what started in INFINITY...
And have a big old rolling cast that features the core AVENGERS we all know and love but also give us more of the new breed like Hyperion, Smasher, Cannonball, Shang-Chi, Starbrand and Sunspot...
Who knows we may also get to see more of the other worlds our guys led the fight to save in INFINITY...
Interested in going along for the ride? Get in touch and let us know...
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- frog bros comics and books, this is a blog all about well comics and books. We do deal in both but this is not a forum for us to peddle any crap... if it's not good we'll tell you and if something rocks our boat, well we'll tell you that too.