Monday, 30 June 2014
Just don't call him a Racoon...
So the summer starts here and we get our first look at the character we're willing to bet is going to be the HIT of the summer, everyone's favourite GUARDIAN OF THE GALAXY in his own book, ROCKET RACCOON #1 ANMN hitting the Frog shelves Wednesday!
The noises coming out from the movie makers are that ROCKET kinda steels the show and here you can get the jump on getting to know the character!
So who is Rocket, well if you ask him it probably goes something like 'formidable-and-expert-Guardian of the Galaxy who lives a high-flying life of adventure and heroism… Notice no mention of Raccoon? Rocket is NOT a raccoon, okay?
Taking on the job of bringing this guy to life in the funny pages is superstar comic creator and Marvel variant cover God Skottie Young... Doing it all writing, art, writing the theme tune, singing the theme tune!
And who better to take on the lil' guy with a big chip on his shoulder and even bigger guns?!
So come on folks get your orders in quick, it's sure to be a hit and a darn good read as Rocket tears through the Galaxy... Woe betide anyone who calls him Racc... BLAM!
Monday, 23 June 2014
Get ready for a... SMASH!!!
Okay so he's an AVENGER and MARVEL mainstay but... When was the last time we had a really enjoyable HULK book?
For me it was back when Jason Aaron split the Big Green Man from Banner, even the great Mark Waid hasn't been able to stop the rot.
But the Frog Bros recon that's all about to change this week with the release of SAVAGE HULK #1.
Why's that then, you all ask?
Well folks the guy penning this new HULK series is none other than Alan Davis, probably best known for his work on Marvel's X-MEN titles.
And guess who he's pitting the Green Goliath against?
Yep, you got it, THE X-MEN!!!
Moving forward this title's going to be big names, superstars and break-out talent telling their unique stories within continuity... And all about HULK!!!
Using elements of the past and perhaps even glimpses of the future. It all comes back to the current Hulk mythos while letting the talent cut loose with that Hulk story they’ve been dying to tell!
Monday, 16 June 2014
Gods as popstars or popstars as gods...
Whichever way you're looking at it, this is going to be HUGE!
WICKED & DIVINE #1 is the sure fire new independant series hit, coming from that rather clever comics scribe Kieron Gillen.
And he's teaming up again with artist Jamie McKelvie to bring about the same knock out team that knocked our socks off on YOUNG AVENGERS and PHONOGRAM.
So what's it all about?
12 gods who, every 90 years, incarnate pop figures, artists, singers, innovators of their day. In the 21st century, they happen to be pop stars of the David Bowie, Lady Gaga and Adele variety. Then, after two years, they die.
In Mr Gillens own words "The dual nature is key, this isn't just a book about gods as pop stars. This is a book about pop stars as gods. We're interested in both sets of archetypes."
Life is short folks, even shorter for these guys, what are they going to cram into 2 years? I personally can't wait to find out!
You can't either? Give us a shout and we'll get you on it
Sunday, 8 June 2014
New to us Young 'uns... But some of you Old 'uns might remember these from the first time around?
Oh yes boys and girls this week we have a new book from DC comics, a book that has old characters that I'll bet most of us haven't heard of.
But I'll bet we've all heard of the guy who first gave these guys life... The one and only JACK KIRBY!
So should we be getting excited about a book that uses characters created by a dead guy with characters that never really took off?
Yes, and here's for why, JACK KIRBY was a bonafide genius, there probably won't ever be another one like him and anything that gets any of us remembering or introduced to him is a winner.
Throw in the creative team of Dan Didio (DC comics head honcho and some time comic scribe), KEITH GIFFEN and SCOTT KOBLISH and you know INFINITY MAN AND THE FOREVER PEOPLE #1 is in good hands.
Hands that have previous of working on Kirby creations, remember O.M.A.C?
So what's this one about? Space travelling students and threats to the multiverse of course!!! That's got to have wetted your whistle no?
Sunday, 1 June 2014
It's got SUPER and MAN in the title...
But that dear reader does not mean it's a superhero book.
Obviously the FROG BROS love superhero books, it kind of goes with the territory of having a comic shop BUT that does not mean that everything we read has to have a superhero.
SUPERANNUATED MAN #1 (OF 6) certainly does not seem to be a super hero book. Coming as it does from the pen of MINIATURE JESUS scribe Ted McKeever.
Published by IMAGE it's fair to say this is going to be one creative off the wall 6 issue mini-series!
In an unspecified future, the small seaside town of Blackwater has now been taken over by advanced and mutated animals. Most of the humans that lived there are now either dead or gone, but one old man remains—a man called HE—who scavenges off the scraps and refuse of humanity’s past on the outskirts of Blackwater, and doggedly defies the new tenants.
The animals are threatened by the outsider and what they can't understand, or bend to their ways, they will crush
So c'mon folks why not try a book that's off the beaten track and join a loner... Called He?
Going green...
With the returning comic books super star WARREN ELLIS!
Yes folks the beautifully twisted writer of TRANSMETROPOLITAN and PLANETARY is back, what you knew that, he's on issue #3 of the fabulous MOONKNIGHT... Yes he is dear reader and MOONKNIGHT is indeed fabulous, but this week he hits comics again, with a creator own book!
TREES #1 along with the very talented JASON HOWARD.
A sci-fi romp about a bunch of life forms that 'came down' and did, well nothing for 10 years, just standing around like... Trees.
Until one day they stopped doing that and decided to do some killing, of humans.
Oh no folks these aren't the kind of trees old Swampy would want to hug!
So far the creative team have up to issue 6 finished but want it to go on and on, for that to happen they are going to have to see sales, so what you waiting for?
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