Monday, 29 September 2014
Bucky's back… Again!
Yes, the guy who's made more comebacks than the 49ers is at it again... We could not be happier!!!
Y'see Bucky as a character is a real frog favourite, so we cannot wait for BUCKY BARNES WINTER SOLDIER #1!
Especially after ORIGINAL SIN, the book that basically acted as a job interview for Bucky to become the Space Ranger we're going to see in his latest role.
Let's not forget ORIGINAL SIN saw him chopping off the head of the would be job interviewer, Nick Fury!
So do we think a character that probably works best in quite grounded espionage stories can carry a book that's going to take us throughout the universe?
Yes we do! C'mon we're in very safe hands here with Ales Kot (SECRET AVENGERS/ ZERO) writing and Marco Rudy, who's art blew us away on MARVEL KNIGHTS SPIDER-MAN and the recent, wonderfully trippy NEW AVENGERS ANNUAL.
Marvel really do seem to have thought this team through, Kot can handle the espionage and piece building needed to make this kind of book fly and Rudy's art will be amazing at introducing us to new galaxies!
Good old Bucky will do the rest!
Monday, 15 September 2014
So MULTIVERSITY #1 was all kinds of AWESOME, nuts and pretty much everything we wanted it to be…
Which means Mr Morrison has a wee bit of a task on his hands with issue #2, or has he found a clever way around it by issueing the 2nd chapter of his personal 'last word on super hero comics' as a stand alone one-shot?
But it's a stand alone one-shot that is the second chapter to MULTIVERSITY... Confused? Yep so are we and that's without even reading the book!
So why are we so excited? It's the 2nd part to MULTIVERSITY, c'mon how could we not be?
MULTIVERSITY THE SOCIETY OF SUPER-HEROES #1 promises us a trip to Earth-20 starring a Society of Super Heroes unlike anything you've seen before!
Pulp Super Hero action with a post-modern twist and Earth-40 counterparts, yes folks Grant Morrison's epic of 52 Earths continues.
And looks like it's going to get even more nuts!!!
At this point we cannot guarantee more Captain Carrot in this book…
Yes, usually comics that come from a movie franchise aren't the ones that get us all excited but this one is different... This one is PROMETHEUS!Oh yes folks a direct continuation of the great Ridley Scott's great PROMETHEUS is hitting the frog shelves in PROMETHEUS FIRE AND STONE #1
So why are we so excited about this book?
Apart from it continuing one of THE greatest sci-fi ongoing stories of all time?Well it's also the first issue in a blockbuster crossover event!
And it's from Eisner Award-nominated creative team of Paul Tobin and artist Juan Ferreyra who you may recall from their work on the chillingly wonderful COLDER!
And that Frog friends is more than enough for us!
We're willing to bet this is going to be a treat for fans of the franchise and for the newbies... Hell for anyone who likes a good yarn done properly!
To get your copy put by CONTACT US or just jump straight in and...
Monday, 1 September 2014
It's September and that can only mean one thing... DC event month!!!
Yes folks, those crazy guys and gals at DC are at it again chasing the publicity, publishing shiny 3D lenticular covers... And this year looking five years into the future in FUTURES END! Here's the AWESOME hitting the shelves this week:
ACTION COMICS FUTURES END #1 With the Man of Steel missing, ordinary people around the world start to mysteriously exhibit his strengths and abilities…
AQUAMAN FUTURES END #1 Mera has claimed the throne of Atlantis for herself – and she’s sentenced her unfaithful husband, Aquaman, to death!
BATWING FUTURES END #1 Luke Fox has rejected his father, which leads him to rebuilding a more deadly and dangerous Leviathan!
DETECTIVE COMICS FUTURES END #1 Batman takes his war on crime to the next level, but he needs the help of his greatest ally – The Riddler?!
GRAYSON FUTURES END #1 Branded a traitor, Dick Grayson has become the most powerful hero in the newly resurgent and dominant Mother Russia – and now, he must battle the Beast from the East in one final struggle for supremacy!
GREEN ARROW FUTURES END #1 Green Arrow is dead – and his replacement finally stands revealed!
GREEN LANTERN FUTURES END #1 Across the universe, the dead are rising — the Black Lanterns are back! Only one being knows what it will take to destroy them this time…the one who understands the spectrum inside and out: Relic! But there’s no way Hal Jordan is prepared for the part he’ll have to play in order put an end to the Black Lanterns once and for all!
SWAMP THING FUTURES END #1 The Avatars of the Green, Red and Gray go to war with the avatars of Bacteria and Metal! It’s five years later, and Alec Holland is trying to mediate a ceasefire that could also be his last stab at reconnecting with humanity!
And this is only week one!!!
Stay tuned to your friendly local FROG BROS COMICS AND BOOKS to see what 3D deliciousness we've got for you each week throughout September!
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- frog bros comics and books, this is a blog all about well comics and books. We do deal in both but this is not a forum for us to peddle any crap... if it's not good we'll tell you and if something rocks our boat, well we'll tell you that too.