Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Batman 700... it's here

It’s finally here, Batman 700 has hit the shops and at the helm is Grant Morrison. Morrison’s work not only on Batman but in general has polarised many readers but for me I couldn’t have asked for a better writer to cover the milestone issue of one of the most iconic and loved comic book characters of all time. Not only is Morrison on the book, but also we have the art work of Tony Daniel, Frank Quitely, Scott Kolins, Andy Kubert and David Finch. It all ties together beautifully as a homeage to this long running character and pays its respect to past, present and future iterations of not only Batman but also the artists Morrison has used on his run. The symmetry of it all will not be lost on anyone who picks this book up.

The story itself is the normal fair for Morrison, take a loopy idea and run wild with it. To be honest the story gets a little bit lost along the way and can easily be summed up as typical time travel jaunt but that’s not the point of it all. The story is broken into three chapters and covers the main Batmen in the form of Bruce, Dick and Damien (see what I mean about past present and future) so there is something for everyone. Each chapter is drawn by a different artist which brings a different life and pace to things. I love all three as artists and think that even though they all differ from one another they do compliment the writing perfectly. Quitely’s art work is immense and I have sorely missed seeing it after he finished his introductory arc to Batman and Robin.
Morrison litters the book with lots of lovely little touches that again centre around the theme of past, present and future. Whether it’s the reverting of the joker to the more slapstick George Romero-esque character from the loved 60’s TV show rather than the more homicidal and sadist version he has used up until now, the continuing development of the Dick and Damian chemistry as a new team or finally the future Batman in the form of a cruel and bitter Damian Wayne. All of this centred around a silver age character in the form of Dr.Nichols. What more could you ask for? A cheaper price I hear you all say !! $4.99 is not cheap but I think it’s worth every cent.

Here’s to another 700 more.

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