Tuesday, 28 August 2012
High fashion and fangs...
A few weeks ago we got ourselves all excited about the NATIONAL COMICS ETERNITY by Jeff Lemire...
And golly gosh darn it we were right to be, it was a great little one-shot that left all here at Frog Towers wanting more!!!...
There's no word yet on any more Kid Eternity stuff (we're hoping though!) but the NATIONAL COMICS title from DC is continuing, giving some of the fringe DC characters their moment in the spotlight through an oversized series of one-shots...
This week it's the turn of LOOKER, last seen in the DC Universe as a bit part player doing some undercover work for the Dark Knight in BATMAN INCORPORATED...
It seems we may well be getting a rather changed up and different take on the character in NATIONAL COMICS LOOKER #1...
For this one we're getting a not too often seen mash-up of vampire comics and high fashion (not too often seen in our our shop, we're more about shorts, t's and flipflops!)...
The writer charged with bringing the old girl back to life is Ian Edginton, who's previous mash-up works include ALIEN V PREDATOR and the Sherlock taking down Vampires in VICTORIAN UNDEAD, titles we think hold him in good stead for this one...
Subscribe to the next 6 issues of these almost pilot episode comics here... Or CONTACT US to get it added to your pull-list!!!
Monday, 20 August 2012
And this week we have the BIG BLUE GUN rolled out...
BEFORE WATCHMEN DR MANHATTAN #1 (OF 4) is to tell the story of DR JON OSTERMAN or DR MANHATTAN, the physicist who accidentally turned himself into a god...
And then proceeded to turn everyone around him against him...
DR MANHATTAN really is a fantastic character, a character that is is not bound by the laws that govern us all, he is the past, present and future all at once!...
He's a guy who's in a constant state of self reflection, including about the stuff he hasn't yet done... at least for everyone else, for him there is no concept of time so he has done it...
And this is where the talent on this book will really have their work cut out, making a very powerfull character accessible to folks like you and me (my head hurts just thinking about what I've just written!)...
Charged with bringing the big blue boy to life once more is J. Michael Straczynski, who if you've ever been in the FROG BROS shop I'm sure you'll have heard of as we're both big fans of his THOR run. So the guy's got previous in grounding the gods for us mere readers...
Subscribe to the entire 4 issue run of BEFORE WATCHMEN DR MANHATTAN here... Or CONTACT US to get this tortured time lord added to your pull-list!!!
Monday, 13 August 2012
'What made you this way?'...
The BEFORE WATCHMEN books have been coming out for a few weeks now and don't tell Alan Moore but the FROG BROS have pretty much been enjoying 'em all!...
This week see's the release of the one that we and you have been really waiting for, BRIAN AZZARELLO and LEE BERMEJO's BEFORE WATCHMEN RORSCHACH #1 (OF 4)...
Yes!!! It's finally here, a comic based on the exploits of everyone's favourite masked, ultra right-winged nut-job!!!...
And what a team to bring this book to the table, BRIAN AZZARELLO who's got to be one of the best comic book writers around, currently doing the impossible in making WONDER WOMAN an absolutely must read each month...
And he's coupled up again with LEE BERMEJO, the same dream team that brought us 2008 hardcover only JOKER!!!...
So for this one we've got one of the best comic book characters ever created and one of the best comic book creative teams around to bring him to life. What more could we ask for?...
Subscribe to the entire 4 issue run of the comic event of 2012 BEFORE WATCHMEN RORSCHACH here... Or CONTACT US to get this lunatic crime fighter added to your pull-list!!!
Monday, 6 August 2012
Let the charm offensive begin!!!...
The smooth talking Cajun is back in his own series...
GAMBIT #1 is going to concentrate not on the stuff he does with the X-MEN but on the stuff he does without them...
Y'know the stuff they're not meant to know about, like the theiving and bad boy stuff he says he's left behind...
The talent behind this one are JAMES ASMUS doing the story, and he knows his way around the X characters having penned DARK X-MEN, MANIFEST DESTINY and GENERATION HOPE...
And on arts there's CLAY MANN who's equally at home in the X world having done some fantastic work on X-MEN LEGACY, MAGNETO NOT A HERO and the thouroughly enjoyable PRELUDE TO SCHISM...
And the noises coming from the creative camp are that this really will be a stand alone X-title so you're not going to have to run out there and buy the other 1000 issues of the various X-MEN stuff just to keep up...
Which is nice!...
So why not try a comic about a bad boy who turned good and then possibly bad again?...
Well stop prattling on and give us a preview! I hear you all scream at your screen...
Preview here...
You can subscribe to the GAMBIT series here...
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- frog bros comics and books, this is a blog all about well comics and books. We do deal in both but this is not a forum for us to peddle any crap... if it's not good we'll tell you and if something rocks our boat, well we'll tell you that too.