BEFORE WATCHMEN DR MANHATTAN #1 (OF 4) is to tell the story of DR JON OSTERMAN or DR MANHATTAN, the physicist who accidentally turned himself into a god...
And then proceeded to turn everyone around him against him...
DR MANHATTAN really is a fantastic character, a character that is is not bound by the laws that govern us all, he is the past, present and future all at once!...
He's a guy who's in a constant state of self reflection, including about the stuff he hasn't yet done... at least for everyone else, for him there is no concept of time so he has done it...
And this is where the talent on this book will really have their work cut out, making a very powerfull character accessible to folks like you and me (my head hurts just thinking about what I've just written!)...
Charged with bringing the big blue boy to life once more is J. Michael Straczynski, who if you've ever been in the FROG BROS shop I'm sure you'll have heard of as we're both big fans of his THOR run. So the guy's got previous in grounding the gods for us mere readers...
Subscribe to the entire 4 issue run of BEFORE WATCHMEN DR MANHATTAN here... Or CONTACT US to get this tortured time lord added to your pull-list!!!
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