Monday, 17 December 2012
SPAGHETTI anyone?...
'Cos this week we're getting all excited by a WESTERN...
DJANGO UNCHAINED #1 (OF 5) is not just any old book either, it's TARANTINO's new movie...
But before it's rolled out on the big screen, us lucky ol' readers of the small books get to see it first!!!...
Not only that but the great man has gone on record as saying that when he starts out on an epic story like this, there's always stuff that he has to cut and drop from the movie due to time constraints...
Not here in the funny books! DJANGO UNCHAINED #1 (OF 5) is the entire first draft of the script...
And surely that's enough to get us all excited, no? Then what about if we told you that handling arts on this one are none other than R. M. GUERA and JASON LATOUR and their run on SCALPED proves they know their way around a western wasteland...
There is no credited writer on this one, so we literally are just getting the screenplay brilliantly illustrated into the book...
If this has got you anywhere near as excited as it has the FROG BROS CONTACT US to get your copy of issue #1 reserved!...
Monday, 10 December 2012
Yep, it's time to take a stroll down some of the darker recesses of the MARVEL NOW! universe...
AVENGERS ARENA #1 NOW by Dennis Hopeless, Kev Walker and Bill Rosemann sees loads of our favourite teen characters from AVENGERS ACADEMY and the RUNAWAYS thrown together by ARCADE into MURDER WORLD where they're to be pitted against each other in a BATTLE ROYALE style fight to the death...
And if that's not enough NEW COMICS DAY AWESOME for you, then what about the return of CABLE?...
And not just the return of CABLE but also of the team he created X-FORCE...
In CABLE AND X-FORCE #1 NOW Dennis Hopeless and artist Salvador Larroca are taking them all to some pretty bad places, labelled as terrorists and hunted by the all new MARVEL premier super team the Uncanny Avengers!!!
To read more about these and other MARVEL NOW! books hit the link...
Or just jump straight in and take out a 6 issue subscription here...
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Time to ASSEMBLE...
So form an orderly queue outside the door please, this week sees the release of the book EVERYONE is going to want to get their hands on...
Yes MARVEL NOW! really is starting to live up to the hype with some real gems having been released so far in INDESTRUCTABLE HULK, FANTASTIC FOUR, CAPTAIN AMERICA and FF to name but a few...
And this week things are really set to be kicked on to another level with the release of the flag-ship book...
From the creative team of Jonathan Hickman and Jerome Opena, the Avengers “go large,” expanding their roster and their sphere of influence to a global and even interplanetary level. When Captain America puts out his call, who will answer?....
We're betting and kinda hoping pretty much everyone in the 616!...
So of course you can CONTACT US to get on it or take out a 6 issue subscription here...
But there's nothing like getting down to your local neighbourhood comic shop on NEW COMICS DAY and getting your fix is there?...
To read more about this and other MARVEL NOW! books hit the link...
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- frog bros
- frog bros comics and books, this is a blog all about well comics and books. We do deal in both but this is not a forum for us to peddle any crap... if it's not good we'll tell you and if something rocks our boat, well we'll tell you that too.