Monday, 17 December 2012
SPAGHETTI anyone?...
'Cos this week we're getting all excited by a WESTERN...
DJANGO UNCHAINED #1 (OF 5) is not just any old book either, it's TARANTINO's new movie...
But before it's rolled out on the big screen, us lucky ol' readers of the small books get to see it first!!!...
Not only that but the great man has gone on record as saying that when he starts out on an epic story like this, there's always stuff that he has to cut and drop from the movie due to time constraints...
Not here in the funny books! DJANGO UNCHAINED #1 (OF 5) is the entire first draft of the script...
And surely that's enough to get us all excited, no? Then what about if we told you that handling arts on this one are none other than R. M. GUERA and JASON LATOUR and their run on SCALPED proves they know their way around a western wasteland...
There is no credited writer on this one, so we literally are just getting the screenplay brilliantly illustrated into the book...
If this has got you anywhere near as excited as it has the FROG BROS CONTACT US to get your copy of issue #1 reserved!...
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