Sunday, 12 October 2014
Yes, folks the DOCTOR WHO comics from Titan have beewn going down a storm here at Frog Bros comics and Books!
This week sees the release of one of the most hotly anticipated by the Whovians…
With Peter Capaldi really settling into the role on the old goggle box, it's time for the character to make a big old splash in the funny books!
Award winning writer Robbie Morrison and New York times-bestselling artist Dave Taylor will be at the helm of the TARDIS console taking the Doctor to his most challenging destination yet!
We're being promised shocks, surprises, and timestream-shaking revelations…
So what you waiting for folks? Get in touch to get DOCTOR WHO 12TH #1 REG ZHANG added to your pull list...
Monday, 6 October 2014
Event fatigue?... No you don't soldier, on your feet, you're NEEDED!!!
Okay, so at the time of writing this it has been exactly 33 days since the last issue of ORIGINAL SIN hit the Frog shelves, that is around 792 hours that we have been without a Marvel Event book...
Jeez guys, how have we managed to get through those last 33 days without the promise of a Universe shattering event that will change everything and let nothing ever be the same ever again?!?!?!?!...
I don't know either, but the good news is we don't have to wait too much longer... AVENGERS AND X-MEN AXIS #1 (OF 9) is here!!!
Yes the 2 super teams who butted heads over the Phoenix Force so spectacularly in AVENGERS VS X-MEN, the event from 4 events ago...
Confused? Well comics can be like that, but fear not dear reader for we have your back, you can catch up on exactly what AVENGERS AND X-MEN AXIS #1 (OF 9) has in store for you through a 3 minute YOUTUBE video here...
And although we may all be feeling the effects of too many events, I recon we might just be on to a real winner with this one, creative teams don't come too much better than this nine-issue event written by Rick Remender with the art of Jim Cheung, Terry Dodson, Adam Kubert and Leinil Yu!
And remember it's going to change everything!!!
Monday, 29 September 2014
Bucky's back… Again!
Yes, the guy who's made more comebacks than the 49ers is at it again... We could not be happier!!!
Y'see Bucky as a character is a real frog favourite, so we cannot wait for BUCKY BARNES WINTER SOLDIER #1!
Especially after ORIGINAL SIN, the book that basically acted as a job interview for Bucky to become the Space Ranger we're going to see in his latest role.
Let's not forget ORIGINAL SIN saw him chopping off the head of the would be job interviewer, Nick Fury!
So do we think a character that probably works best in quite grounded espionage stories can carry a book that's going to take us throughout the universe?
Yes we do! C'mon we're in very safe hands here with Ales Kot (SECRET AVENGERS/ ZERO) writing and Marco Rudy, who's art blew us away on MARVEL KNIGHTS SPIDER-MAN and the recent, wonderfully trippy NEW AVENGERS ANNUAL.
Marvel really do seem to have thought this team through, Kot can handle the espionage and piece building needed to make this kind of book fly and Rudy's art will be amazing at introducing us to new galaxies!
Good old Bucky will do the rest!
Monday, 15 September 2014
So MULTIVERSITY #1 was all kinds of AWESOME, nuts and pretty much everything we wanted it to be…
Which means Mr Morrison has a wee bit of a task on his hands with issue #2, or has he found a clever way around it by issueing the 2nd chapter of his personal 'last word on super hero comics' as a stand alone one-shot?
But it's a stand alone one-shot that is the second chapter to MULTIVERSITY... Confused? Yep so are we and that's without even reading the book!
So why are we so excited? It's the 2nd part to MULTIVERSITY, c'mon how could we not be?
MULTIVERSITY THE SOCIETY OF SUPER-HEROES #1 promises us a trip to Earth-20 starring a Society of Super Heroes unlike anything you've seen before!
Pulp Super Hero action with a post-modern twist and Earth-40 counterparts, yes folks Grant Morrison's epic of 52 Earths continues.
And looks like it's going to get even more nuts!!!
At this point we cannot guarantee more Captain Carrot in this book…
Yes, usually comics that come from a movie franchise aren't the ones that get us all excited but this one is different... This one is PROMETHEUS!Oh yes folks a direct continuation of the great Ridley Scott's great PROMETHEUS is hitting the frog shelves in PROMETHEUS FIRE AND STONE #1
So why are we so excited about this book?
Apart from it continuing one of THE greatest sci-fi ongoing stories of all time?Well it's also the first issue in a blockbuster crossover event!
And it's from Eisner Award-nominated creative team of Paul Tobin and artist Juan Ferreyra who you may recall from their work on the chillingly wonderful COLDER!
And that Frog friends is more than enough for us!
We're willing to bet this is going to be a treat for fans of the franchise and for the newbies... Hell for anyone who likes a good yarn done properly!
To get your copy put by CONTACT US or just jump straight in and...
Monday, 1 September 2014
It's September and that can only mean one thing... DC event month!!!
Yes folks, those crazy guys and gals at DC are at it again chasing the publicity, publishing shiny 3D lenticular covers... And this year looking five years into the future in FUTURES END! Here's the AWESOME hitting the shelves this week:
ACTION COMICS FUTURES END #1 With the Man of Steel missing, ordinary people around the world start to mysteriously exhibit his strengths and abilities…
AQUAMAN FUTURES END #1 Mera has claimed the throne of Atlantis for herself – and she’s sentenced her unfaithful husband, Aquaman, to death!
BATWING FUTURES END #1 Luke Fox has rejected his father, which leads him to rebuilding a more deadly and dangerous Leviathan!
DETECTIVE COMICS FUTURES END #1 Batman takes his war on crime to the next level, but he needs the help of his greatest ally – The Riddler?!
GRAYSON FUTURES END #1 Branded a traitor, Dick Grayson has become the most powerful hero in the newly resurgent and dominant Mother Russia – and now, he must battle the Beast from the East in one final struggle for supremacy!
GREEN ARROW FUTURES END #1 Green Arrow is dead – and his replacement finally stands revealed!
GREEN LANTERN FUTURES END #1 Across the universe, the dead are rising — the Black Lanterns are back! Only one being knows what it will take to destroy them this time…the one who understands the spectrum inside and out: Relic! But there’s no way Hal Jordan is prepared for the part he’ll have to play in order put an end to the Black Lanterns once and for all!
SWAMP THING FUTURES END #1 The Avatars of the Green, Red and Gray go to war with the avatars of Bacteria and Metal! It’s five years later, and Alec Holland is trying to mediate a ceasefire that could also be his last stab at reconnecting with humanity!
And this is only week one!!!
Stay tuned to your friendly local FROG BROS COMICS AND BOOKS to see what 3D deliciousness we've got for you each week throughout September!
Monday, 25 August 2014
Lean on me...
So you think you're a Superhero huh? Got the cape?
Got the spandex?
Pants on over your trousers?
Got your powers?
Ah, well now y'see the thing is...
Not to worry, you're not alone... Just head on down to David “Shreds” Shrejic support group where you'll find other like-minded individuals…
Some of whom may well possess extraordinary abilities, or do they?
Shreds doesn't really seem to think so, but then if he did not only would he be a disgraced psychologist, he'd also be a failed support group runner... And we can't have that!
SUNDOWNERS #1 writen by Tim Sealey, Art by Jim Terry
Support by David “Shreds” Shrejic
You are not alone...
Sunday, 17 August 2014
It's going to be odd and it's bound to be wierd... But it's a cert to be awesome too!!!
Oh yes folks the wait is finally over and this Wednesday we have the release of one of the most eagerly anticipated (Here at Frog Towers anyway) books of the year…
The mad genius that is Grant Morrison brings us MULTIVERSITY #1!
A book so big it can't be contained to one universe, oh no this one is going to feature all 52 of DC's realities!!!
Yes folks get excited, this book has been coming for years and it's finally almost upon us!
On arts, well it reads like a who's who of comic creation featuring Chris Sprouse, Karl Story, Ben Oliver, Frank Quitely and Cameron Stewart, a story this HUGE is too big for just one artist!
Comprising six complete adventures – each set in a different parallel universe – plus a two-part framing story and a comprehensive guidebook to the many worlds of the Multiverse, THE MULTIVERSITY is going to be odd, wierd and downright AWESOME!!!
Bring it on Mr Morrison, we're ready for you!!!…
We think...
Sunday, 3 August 2014
Great looking AND educational!
No no dear reader, not a trip down to Frog Bros Comics and Books, well obviously it does apply to us too!!!
But no, in this case we're talking about HOWTOONS REIGNITION #1.
A new book from the publisher that's not afraid to push boundaries and try new things IMAGE.
Written by Fred Van Lente and with art by Tom Fowler HOWTOONS REIGNITION #1 comes spinning out of and expanding the great work done in the fabulous web series for teaching kids (and us adults!) through experiments in one-page comics.
In this series Tuck and Celine, having ridden out the apocalypse by being placed in suspended annimation by Mom and Dad, wake to find themselves in a vastly changed world.
Using their Howtoons to survive the kids embark on a trip across this new brave and dangerous world to find their parents.
There really aren't enough ALL - AGES comics around, hopefully HOWTOONS REIGNITION #1can fill this gaping void, but there's only one way to find out…
Give us a shout to give it a try!
Rick Remender is one of the hottest properties in comics at the moment...
Not to mention one of the most controversial – who cares that consenting adults had sex by the way!!
One of the main guys at Marvel with his runs on Captain America, the awesome Uncanny Avengers and let’s not forget the simply amazing Uncanny X-Force this guy knows how to write amazing comics.
Not loving Marvel?
OK... Maybe you’ve had a chance to pick up Black Science? It’s easily my favourite indie comic of the last year which spins an action fuelled sci-fi adventure with more than a few friendly winks cast the way of classic TV series Lost in Space.
Low promises to carry on in a similar vein with frequent collaborator Greg Tocchini on art and a story set in the distant future, after humanity has relocated to radiation-shielded cities below the sea and the surface of the planet has become a scorched uninhabitable wasteland, this is bound to be a sure fire hit... No pun intended!
What are you waiting for?
Get in touch to buy the book!!!
Monday, 14 July 2014
BATMAN NEEDS A ROBIN... Personally I'm not 100% sure that statement is correct, but BATMAN AND ROBIN does need a Robin.
The BATMAN AND ROBIN title has been one of this Frog's favourites from the NEW52 and although it's still been really good since the death of Damian the BATMAN AND... With a rolling roster of team-ups from TWO FACE, NIGHTWING and even FRANKENSTEIN has for me run it's course.
So how excited am I that ROBIN RISES OMEGA #1 is coming out this week?... VERY!!!
Peter J. Tomasi the writer who's been building this for over 2 years now is being very cagey as to whether it's Damian Wayne stepping back into the BATMAN's sidekick roll or someone else.
All we do know is that on the 23rd of July BATMAN AND ROBIN #33 hits the Frog shelves, that's Batman AND ROBIN.
Who the Boy (or Girl) WONDER will be is anyone's guess but this oversized one-shot ROBIN RISES OMEGA #1 leads straight into it and so will surely give us a clue or two…
Sunday, 6 July 2014
Renaissance Man?...
Accrobat, ROBIN, NIGHTWING, Teen Titan,
Outsider... Even BATMAN! This kid has done it all!
So what's next for Dick Grayson? Well dear
reader, after the NIGHTWING un-masking escapades of those pesky Crime
Syndicate-ers BATMAN's first Robin and DC's original renaissance man has got to
re-invent himself all over again!
This week is all about that new incarnation
as GRAYSON #1 hits the Frog shelves.
Yep the former Side-Kick Sensation again
gets his own book, but this time rather than being a masked hero, he's a Super
Spy, Agent 37... Or just Grayson...
Written by TIM SEELEY with Art by MIKEL
JANIN, it's looking like both ourselves and Dick are in safe hands.
To be honest the NEW52 NIGHTWING had not
really hit the hights that the character had enjoyed in the pre-52 stuff so
this title really could be the one that does ol' Grayson justice as one of DC's
best characters... Only one way to find out!
Holler to get your copy of issue #1
Monday, 30 June 2014
Just don't call him a Racoon...
So the summer starts here and we get our first look at the character we're willing to bet is going to be the HIT of the summer, everyone's favourite GUARDIAN OF THE GALAXY in his own book, ROCKET RACCOON #1 ANMN hitting the Frog shelves Wednesday!
The noises coming out from the movie makers are that ROCKET kinda steels the show and here you can get the jump on getting to know the character!
So who is Rocket, well if you ask him it probably goes something like 'formidable-and-expert-Guardian of the Galaxy who lives a high-flying life of adventure and heroism… Notice no mention of Raccoon? Rocket is NOT a raccoon, okay?
Taking on the job of bringing this guy to life in the funny pages is superstar comic creator and Marvel variant cover God Skottie Young... Doing it all writing, art, writing the theme tune, singing the theme tune!
And who better to take on the lil' guy with a big chip on his shoulder and even bigger guns?!
So come on folks get your orders in quick, it's sure to be a hit and a darn good read as Rocket tears through the Galaxy... Woe betide anyone who calls him Racc... BLAM!
Monday, 23 June 2014
Get ready for a... SMASH!!!
Okay so he's an AVENGER and MARVEL mainstay but... When was the last time we had a really enjoyable HULK book?
For me it was back when Jason Aaron split the Big Green Man from Banner, even the great Mark Waid hasn't been able to stop the rot.
But the Frog Bros recon that's all about to change this week with the release of SAVAGE HULK #1.
Why's that then, you all ask?
Well folks the guy penning this new HULK series is none other than Alan Davis, probably best known for his work on Marvel's X-MEN titles.
And guess who he's pitting the Green Goliath against?
Yep, you got it, THE X-MEN!!!
Moving forward this title's going to be big names, superstars and break-out talent telling their unique stories within continuity... And all about HULK!!!
Using elements of the past and perhaps even glimpses of the future. It all comes back to the current Hulk mythos while letting the talent cut loose with that Hulk story they’ve been dying to tell!
Monday, 16 June 2014
Gods as popstars or popstars as gods...
Whichever way you're looking at it, this is going to be HUGE!
WICKED & DIVINE #1 is the sure fire new independant series hit, coming from that rather clever comics scribe Kieron Gillen.
And he's teaming up again with artist Jamie McKelvie to bring about the same knock out team that knocked our socks off on YOUNG AVENGERS and PHONOGRAM.
So what's it all about?
12 gods who, every 90 years, incarnate pop figures, artists, singers, innovators of their day. In the 21st century, they happen to be pop stars of the David Bowie, Lady Gaga and Adele variety. Then, after two years, they die.
In Mr Gillens own words "The dual nature is key, this isn't just a book about gods as pop stars. This is a book about pop stars as gods. We're interested in both sets of archetypes."
Life is short folks, even shorter for these guys, what are they going to cram into 2 years? I personally can't wait to find out!
You can't either? Give us a shout and we'll get you on it
Sunday, 8 June 2014
New to us Young 'uns... But some of you Old 'uns might remember these from the first time around?
Oh yes boys and girls this week we have a new book from DC comics, a book that has old characters that I'll bet most of us haven't heard of.
But I'll bet we've all heard of the guy who first gave these guys life... The one and only JACK KIRBY!
So should we be getting excited about a book that uses characters created by a dead guy with characters that never really took off?
Yes, and here's for why, JACK KIRBY was a bonafide genius, there probably won't ever be another one like him and anything that gets any of us remembering or introduced to him is a winner.
Throw in the creative team of Dan Didio (DC comics head honcho and some time comic scribe), KEITH GIFFEN and SCOTT KOBLISH and you know INFINITY MAN AND THE FOREVER PEOPLE #1 is in good hands.
Hands that have previous of working on Kirby creations, remember O.M.A.C?
So what's this one about? Space travelling students and threats to the multiverse of course!!! That's got to have wetted your whistle no?
Sunday, 1 June 2014
It's got SUPER and MAN in the title...
But that dear reader does not mean it's a superhero book.
Obviously the FROG BROS love superhero books, it kind of goes with the territory of having a comic shop BUT that does not mean that everything we read has to have a superhero.
SUPERANNUATED MAN #1 (OF 6) certainly does not seem to be a super hero book. Coming as it does from the pen of MINIATURE JESUS scribe Ted McKeever.
Published by IMAGE it's fair to say this is going to be one creative off the wall 6 issue mini-series!
In an unspecified future, the small seaside town of Blackwater has now been taken over by advanced and mutated animals. Most of the humans that lived there are now either dead or gone, but one old man remains—a man called HE—who scavenges off the scraps and refuse of humanity’s past on the outskirts of Blackwater, and doggedly defies the new tenants.
The animals are threatened by the outsider and what they can't understand, or bend to their ways, they will crush
So c'mon folks why not try a book that's off the beaten track and join a loner... Called He?
Going green...
With the returning comic books super star WARREN ELLIS!
Yes folks the beautifully twisted writer of TRANSMETROPOLITAN and PLANETARY is back, what you knew that, he's on issue #3 of the fabulous MOONKNIGHT... Yes he is dear reader and MOONKNIGHT is indeed fabulous, but this week he hits comics again, with a creator own book!
TREES #1 along with the very talented JASON HOWARD.
A sci-fi romp about a bunch of life forms that 'came down' and did, well nothing for 10 years, just standing around like... Trees.
Until one day they stopped doing that and decided to do some killing, of humans.
Oh no folks these aren't the kind of trees old Swampy would want to hug!
So far the creative team have up to issue 6 finished but want it to go on and on, for that to happen they are going to have to see sales, so what you waiting for?
Monday, 19 May 2014
Worlds, Universes... Where will it all end?...
Who knows? And let's face it folks, who cares as long as it's good!
And MPH #1 almost has a GREAT guarantee!
Coming as it does from the pen of the Scottish wordsmith himself Mr Mark Millar, creator of KICK ASS, AMERICAN JESUS, STARLIGHT, WANTED and JUPITER'S LEGACY to name but a few.
And not content with producing knock out book after book the guy is now doing some Marvel style UNIVERSE building.
Yes folks, what used to be the publishing house MILLAR WORLD has now become MILLAR UNIVERSE.
So what is this book going to bring to the Millar-verse?
MPH #1 is a book about kids, drugs and super powers and when it's Mark Millar writing and Duncan Fegredo on arts you just know it's going to be a winner, throw in the fact it's a MILLAR UNIVERSE book being put out through those crazy guys and gals at IMAGE and you have 2 very happy Frog Bros.
So fall in line, get behind the Millar-isation of EVERYTHING and…
Sign up for a whole series subscription.
Monday, 12 May 2014
Out with the old and American, in with the new and Canadian?...
Or at least it could be out with the old... I'm reading between the lines here as JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #14 is yet to be released, but hey we've not been given a chance to order #15!
And when you see more than half of the JUSTICE LEAGUE UNITED (or JUSTICE LEAGUE OF CANADA as they were so close to being named) are the very same heroes that made up the JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA, we can safely say it's disbanded after FOREVER EVIL...
We'll just have to wait another week or so to have it confirmed when FOREVER EVIL finishes on #7 (I know we've already had the first part of the aftermath before the arc's done!) and the JUSTICE LEAGUE #30 hits on the same day to let us know how it all falls out... Although we can probably guess right?
Okay, okay DC have made a pretty big mess of the end to FOREVER EVIL (and a pretty big mess of the start too if we cast our minds back to September and VILLAINS MONTH)
But the road to redemption starts here in the pages of JUSTICE LEAGUE UNITED #1, okay, okay it started here in JUSTICE LEAGUE UNITED #0.
Why are we so sure this is the book to redeem DC? Well we've glimpsed the fun in the #0 issue and with JEFF LEMAIRE at the helm we know it's just going to get better and better.
Sign up for a 6 issue subscription to join the fun...
Monday, 5 May 2014
Who did shoot the Watcher?...
Not only shot him, oh no folks, they've
gone and nicked his eyes too!
Yes dear reader there's some pretty gory skullduggeries
a-foot in Marvel's latest summer BLOCK-BUSTER event that kicks off in earnest
this week with ORIGINAL SIN #1!
An 8 part event, 9 if you include the
marvelous issue #0 from a couple of week's ago, what's that dear reader, you
missed the #0 issue? Don't fear we're looking out for you and, at the time of
writing this at least, have some for you right here...
Right so you've been and bought #0 and now
you're back with us right? Great! On with the show!
So ORIGINAL SIN is a big old who-dunnit,
why does everyone need to know who killed the Watcher? Because his stolen eye's
can recall everything he's seen... Which is pretty much everything.
Including the bad stuff and secrets
MARVEL's hero comunity would rather others not know!
Need a little push over the edge to really
bring on the nerd-gasm? It's written by JASON AARON and drawn by MIKE DEODATO.
Yeah, thought that might do it!
Look who's back in the MARVEL Ideas House...
With a BIG FAT over-sized issue #1 comic and plenty of wise-cracking mouth!!!
Yes folks it's been almost a year and half of Peter Parker free Spider-Man! And, although the internet seemed about to blow up with web-slinging fans from around the globe logging on in those first few troublesome months of Doc Oc's tenure as the wall crawler, venting their fury and anger... We all made it through!
In fact not only did we make it through, some of us, this Frog Bro included thought that the SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN 31 issue run were actually the best Spidey comics in quite a while!
So whilst it is fair to say that we are excited about 'ol PP coming back, especially as the whole SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN has acted as a reset for the character and it should be the down on his luck but never letting his luck get him down, wise-cracking Peter coming back in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #1.
It's very fair to say we will be missing the Superior Spider-Maning of Doctor Otto Octavius and all of the deliciously dastardly things that he did.
But as they say all good things must come to an end, Rest In Peace Otto and welcome back Peter... We are along for the ride, who's coming with us?
Worried about missing any of the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN? Take out a 6 issue subscription!
Did you miss SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN? Never fear, catch up with the collected books here
Monday, 14 April 2014
The FEAR MONGER is coming...
And with it he's bringing another LANTERN book...
Yes folks, this week we've got SINESTRO #1!!!...
Written by Cullen Bunn, who seems to have a taste for writing the bad guy/ sometime anti-hero, as he is taking on this and currently knocking it out of the park over at Marvel on MAGNETO!...
On arts, making a return to the character after working on one of the few worthwhile VILLAIN'S MONTH comics GREEN LANTERN #23.4 SINESTRO is Dale Eaglesham...
So do we really need another LANTERN book?...
Especially one that focuses on a character with loads of depth like SINESTRO...
And that is what Bunn is going to be focusing on...
Drawing on his influences of horror fiction and making SINESTRO #1 one of the darker books in the NEW52...
Whilst also showing that SINESTRO's a layered character, okay he might do some REALLY bad things, but we can probably on some level all relate to why!...
Get in touch to get on a new book about an old relatable bad guy... In SPACE!!!...
Monday, 7 April 2014
The BAT's back baby...
And he's going to keep on coming back every single week for a whole YEAR!!!...
Yes Bat-Fans, this week see's the release of BATMAN ETERNAL #1!!!...
A whole year of fresh BATMAN comics hitting every single week!!!...
Written by Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Ray Fawkes, Kyle Higgins and Tim Seeley. John Layman's work features in the first 12 issues too!!!...
So what's it all about? Well dear reader it's billed as the start of the Bat-story so big it's going to take every week of the month to tell!...
Featuring a massive cast of Gotham City's best (and worst) and examines the relationship between Batman, his allies and his city....
The first issue finds ol' Jimmy Gordon on the wrong side of the law...
Where it's going to go after that who knows?...
But with that roster of writers on board and a stellar cast of artists including Jason Fabok, Dustin Nguyen, Andy Clarke, Trevor McCarthy, Emanuel Simeoni, Guillem March, Ian Bertram and Mikel Janin...
We think BATMAN ETERNAL is going to be a winner...
So come on folks GET IN TOUCH to order issue one of a $2.99 BATMAN book today...
Bet we see you next week for issue #2 if you do!!!...
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- frog bros comics and books, this is a blog all about well comics and books. We do deal in both but this is not a forum for us to peddle any crap... if it's not good we'll tell you and if something rocks our boat, well we'll tell you that too.