Monday, 12 May 2014

Out with the old and American, in with the new and Canadian?...

Or at least it could be out with the old... I'm reading between the lines here as JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #14 is yet to be released, but hey we've not been given a chance to order #15!

And when you see more than half of the JUSTICE LEAGUE UNITED (or JUSTICE LEAGUE OF CANADA as they were so close to being named) are the very same heroes that made up the JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA, we can safely say it's disbanded after FOREVER EVIL...

We'll just have to wait another week or so to have it confirmed when FOREVER EVIL finishes on #7 (I know we've already had the first part of the aftermath before the arc's done!) and the JUSTICE LEAGUE #30 hits on the same day to let us know how it all falls out... Although we can probably guess right?

Okay, okay DC have made a pretty big mess of the end to FOREVER EVIL (and a pretty big mess of the start too if we cast our minds back to September and VILLAINS MONTH)

But the road to redemption starts here in the pages of JUSTICE LEAGUE UNITED #1, okay, okay it started here in JUSTICE LEAGUE UNITED #0.

Why are we so sure this is the book to redeem DC? Well we've glimpsed the fun in the #0 issue and with JEFF LEMAIRE at the helm we know it's just going to get better and better.

Sign up for a 6 issue subscription to join the fun...

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