Monday, 22 June 2015

Who saw this one coming?!...

SECRET WARS is well and truly under way, with some freaking awesome Battlezones explored already. But what about life outside of the Shield?

The Battlezone so dangerous that it’s walled off from the rest of the world? A place where men and women are sent to die in the most horrific ways possible?

Get ready to explore the wastelands folks, a desolate place where the MARVEL ZOMBIES roam free, feasting on all those who dared challenge Doom!

And if the Zombies don’t get you, then the horde of Ultron drones will be more than happy to eliminate your worthless organic imperfect life! 

Good luck in avoiding the two, and may the lord Doom have mercy on you if you get caught between the two!

It’s AGE OF ULTRON VS. MARVEL ZOMBIES, in one of the more bonkers offerings of the fantastic SECRET WARS! 

Check out the preview and then CONTACT US to get the madness added to your pull-lists...

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