Any fellow comic book comrades out there, who like me are only just experiencing the the mind exploding, tummy fizzing, squeal inducing excitement being introduced to the medium and the plentiful bounty of wonderment it has to offer, may agree the initial voyage into the maiden waters of the comic world can seam overwhelming.
It's hard to know where to start first on your journey to knowledge and enlightenment in the field of Superheros, and all the adventures they have embarked upon in their history together.
Although reading the new endeavors of our favorite characters still provides an all encompassing injection of adrenalin, I still feel I get a little more out of it after I have learnt a little about their past, their previous trials an tribulations, their nemeses, allies etc.
So it is my mission to provide some directional guidance towards landmark novels in comic history to those who at present, may feel somewhat lost.
However it's always good to have variety, so we can throw in some new titles to balance out the retro.
My first review will be Identity Crisis;
This was introduced to me by a very good friend primarily because of the covers Michael Turner did for the 7 installments.
Even after you delve past the tremendously beautiful work of Turner and immerse yourself into the story, the art maintains a high level of impact.
I went into this journey blind, with no idea of what the concept was about.
For me this heightened the whole experience so I don't want to say too much in a bid to extend to you the very same opportunity, all I'm prepared to divulge is that this story is fantastically written, offering a homicide (<--- Arghh I know! The suspense!!) crime thriller that keeps you guessing from beginning to end.
In me it induced a plethora of emotions, the twists and turns take you on an exciting ride keeping you in a heightened state of suspicion, I laughed, I whooped, I even shed a tear (...although that stays between us ya hear!)
This trade paper back gives you the opportunity to see another side to the heroes in the JLA and provides an intriguing insight into their opinions of one an other.
From the works I've read involving the league I've only ever seen them project a united front, so I found it really interesting to hear character assessments about my favorite Heroes from those who know them best.
Even more enlightening was the morally controversial actions they were forced to take in allowance for the personality foibles the mightiest of theses heroes posses, all in the name of the bigger picture.
This book covers some sensitive and difficult subjects with dignity and grace, balanced out within this gritty tale also lies heart wrenching displays of unconditional true love, friendship and unwavering loyalty.
Reading Brad Meltzer & Rags Morales dissection of the frame composition at the end took my breath away, that attention to detail explains why the world of which your reading about utterly engulfs you.
Also exposing why on several occasions I was forced to pause for thought, as we are all unique in our perception with individual interpretations of what we read and see, I believe each one of us will take something different from a truly great graphic novel, of which Identity Crisis can easily be categorized.
Just days after finishing it I found myself reciting a quote from this moving read, to successfully comfort a friend who was in a low place.
For me that epitomizes the impact and influence this electric medium provides us with when done well, Comics...changing the world, one series at a time.
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