Unlike my Frog Bro Miguel I love comics that don’t have a superhero (obviously I love the superhero ones too, or I’d be in the wrong game) but books that don’t have an obvious costumed hero really rock my boat.
Sweet Tooth vol.1 is just such a story, beginning with a young boy who by some obvious mutation is part boy part deer, obvious? The kid has antlers, the X-Men this ain’t. Anyway the book begins with a monologue from the boy, Sweet Tooth the main character of the story. The monologue delivered in a touching way that immediately connects the reader to the character gives a good grounding into what has happened thus far into Sweet Tooth’s life and his worldly outlook. Because of Sweet Tooth’s mutation he has been sheltered from, well pretty much everything, and I mean everything, living with just his father, his dad’s face is the only human face he can ever remember seeing, except for a haunting face that comes to him in dreams, and Sweet Tooth and his dad have lived in a wooden shack deep in the forest for his entire life.
Inevitably, as there is a horrible disease attacking the human race, Sweet Tooth’s father dies, leaving our young boy to fend for himself and for the first time go outside of his wooden compound, thus breaking one of the 5 rules set by his dad. Sweet Tooth travels through a post apocalyptic landscape meeting an array of characters the main one being Jepperd, the hulking owner of the face from Sweet Tooth’s dreams.
What follows is a spooky, violent, eerie but overall touching tale with an ending that just breaks your heart in two. The art is perfect for the book but then as it’s drawn and written by Jeff Lemaire I suppose it’s to be expected, never the less to have both aspects of this book working so well together he is to be applauded.
I came late to Sweet Tooth, the single issues are now at no.14 and I have literally just got up to date and I have to say the series continues to keep up it’s opening high standards and keeps on finding strings to pull I didn’t know my heart had.
For those of you who prefer trade paperbacks Sweet Tooth volume 2 is pencilled in to be released on 14th December 2010 and if you read Sweet Tooth vol.1 number two will be a must have.
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