Monday, 17 December 2012
SPAGHETTI anyone?...
'Cos this week we're getting all excited by a WESTERN...
DJANGO UNCHAINED #1 (OF 5) is not just any old book either, it's TARANTINO's new movie...
But before it's rolled out on the big screen, us lucky ol' readers of the small books get to see it first!!!...
Not only that but the great man has gone on record as saying that when he starts out on an epic story like this, there's always stuff that he has to cut and drop from the movie due to time constraints...
Not here in the funny books! DJANGO UNCHAINED #1 (OF 5) is the entire first draft of the script...
And surely that's enough to get us all excited, no? Then what about if we told you that handling arts on this one are none other than R. M. GUERA and JASON LATOUR and their run on SCALPED proves they know their way around a western wasteland...
There is no credited writer on this one, so we literally are just getting the screenplay brilliantly illustrated into the book...
If this has got you anywhere near as excited as it has the FROG BROS CONTACT US to get your copy of issue #1 reserved!...
Monday, 10 December 2012
Yep, it's time to take a stroll down some of the darker recesses of the MARVEL NOW! universe...
AVENGERS ARENA #1 NOW by Dennis Hopeless, Kev Walker and Bill Rosemann sees loads of our favourite teen characters from AVENGERS ACADEMY and the RUNAWAYS thrown together by ARCADE into MURDER WORLD where they're to be pitted against each other in a BATTLE ROYALE style fight to the death...
And if that's not enough NEW COMICS DAY AWESOME for you, then what about the return of CABLE?...
And not just the return of CABLE but also of the team he created X-FORCE...
In CABLE AND X-FORCE #1 NOW Dennis Hopeless and artist Salvador Larroca are taking them all to some pretty bad places, labelled as terrorists and hunted by the all new MARVEL premier super team the Uncanny Avengers!!!
To read more about these and other MARVEL NOW! books hit the link...
Or just jump straight in and take out a 6 issue subscription here...
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Time to ASSEMBLE...
So form an orderly queue outside the door please, this week sees the release of the book EVERYONE is going to want to get their hands on...
Yes MARVEL NOW! really is starting to live up to the hype with some real gems having been released so far in INDESTRUCTABLE HULK, FANTASTIC FOUR, CAPTAIN AMERICA and FF to name but a few...
And this week things are really set to be kicked on to another level with the release of the flag-ship book...
From the creative team of Jonathan Hickman and Jerome Opena, the Avengers “go large,” expanding their roster and their sphere of influence to a global and even interplanetary level. When Captain America puts out his call, who will answer?....
We're betting and kinda hoping pretty much everyone in the 616!...
So of course you can CONTACT US to get on it or take out a 6 issue subscription here...
But there's nothing like getting down to your local neighbourhood comic shop on NEW COMICS DAY and getting your fix is there?...
To read more about this and other MARVEL NOW! books hit the link...
Monday, 26 November 2012
Who's ready for some CRAZY AWESOME?!!!...
Gone are Franklin and Valeria... And well that's sad...
But in their place are Ant-Man, She Hulk (the green one), Lady Medusa of the Inhumans and Miss Thing!!!...
To make up one very strange team in FF #1 NOW!...
Yep whilst the FANTASTIC FOUR are travelling the galaxies looking for a cure to Read Richards slow death (you know they'll find one but am I the only one hoping they don't?!)...
This crazy, strange but undoubtedly AWESOME group have been thrown together to watch over the world and take down all the classic FANTASTIC FOUR foes....
But if the bizarre team in the book isn't enough to get you crazy excited... What about the AWESOME team of MATT FRACTION and MICHAEL ALLRED who are on it?!...
Yes FRACTION who's blowing us away each month on the awesome HAWKEYE and the DEFENDERS!!!...
And YES ALLRED who's been pumping out some equally AWESOME arts recently on DAREDEVIL and WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN...
Buy this book! It's going to be all kinds of... just because I don't think I've used the word enough, AWESOME!!!...
CONTACT US to get on it or take out a 6 issue subscription here...
To read more about this and other MARVEL NOW! books hit the link...
Monday, 19 November 2012
We've got a HULK... and a SUPER SOLDIER...
And after last week's offerings from MARVEL NOW! We're again optimistic!...
And how could we not be when there's INDESTRUCTIBLE HULK #1 NOW by MARK WAID who's run on DAREDEVIL is just brilliant! and LEINIL FRANCIS YU who's art is simply amazing!!!...
In this HULK we've got the Big Green and Banner back together and they're working for S.H.E.I.L.D!!!...
Also out this week CAPTAIN AMERICA #1 NOW and who's the ALL NEW creative team on this one? I hear you all gasp...
It's only the comics superstar team of RICK REMENDER and JOHN ROMITA JR....
As we'd all expect from REMENDER this CAP book is going to be very different to what's gone before...
The first arc 'DIMENSION Z' is set to focus on 2 very different times and worlds as we see the young Steve Rogers growing up in the Lower East side during the depression...
Then on the flip side there's the high adventure, sci-fi, spy fantasy with Cap dealing with Arnim Zola in Dimension Z!..
Both these books have an AWESOME potential to be very, very BIG!!!
CONTACT US to get on 'em or take out a 6 issue subscription here...
To read more about these two and other MARVEL NOW! books hit the link...
Monday, 12 November 2012
Redemption from the Gods?...
So the 2 BIG MARVEL NOW! releases from last week were... Not great...
I know! After we'd been banging on about how great they and the whole initiative would be for like ages... IRON MAN and DEADPOOL turned out to be... A bit pants...
But all is not lost Boys and Girls...
Because this week MARVEL are going to gain redemption and who better to give it than their very own in-house god... THOR...
Written by JASON AARON and with arts by ESAD RIBIC, THOR GOD OF THUNDER #1 promises a tale of past, present and future THOR's in his search for the GOD BUTCHER and can't fail to impress!!!... Oh it can't!!!...
But if tales of Asgard aren't your bag, even if they're being done by a GREAT creative team, then there's always ALL NEW X-MEN #1 NOW...
If only for the original CYCLOPS and BEAST coming face to face with their future iterations!...
Then there's MATT FRACTION and MARK BAGLEY's FANTASTIC FOUR #1 NOW and X-MEN LEGACY #1 NOW, finally a book that might just do LEGION justice!..
So come on MARVEL, by Odin's beard redeem last week's offering with this! And don't make us regret not using this space for BATMAN #14 (DOTF) that we know is gonna be AWESOME!!!
To read more about these two and other MARVEL NOW! books hit the link...
Monday, 5 November 2012
It's really kicking off NOW!!!...
So the MARVEL NOW! initiative has been going for a few weeks...
But apart from the really quite AWESOME, UNCANNY AVENGERS, there hasn't been too much to get too excited about...
That is all about to change this Wednesday, not only does DEADPOOL #1 NOW hit the FROG shelves...
But right up there next to it will be IRON MAN #1 NOW!!!...
We've been banging on for a few months now about how good we think MARVEL's mini-boot will be and I think this will be the week when we're started to be proved right...
How could we not be when DEADPOOL's going to hit the ground running by taking out resurrected dead presidents?...
As for MARVEL's celebrity scientist IRON MAN... It's being written by Kieron Gillen!!!
I honestly cannot remember being quite so excited about a new team going onto a book as I am about this...
To read more about these two and other MARVEL NOW! books hit the link...
Then CONTACT US to get on these sure fire hits from #1...
Or bypass the chit chat and take out a 6 issue subscription here...
Monday, 29 October 2012
TREAT NO TRICK!!!... We hope...
It's no secret the FROG BROS love the comic publishers IMAGE and on All Hallow's Eve those twisted but beautiful minds are serving up a treat...
Because this Halloween we're getting what promises to be one of the baddest, meanest and damn right scariest bad guys comics have seen in quite some time...
In the gore laden pages of BEDLAM #1 we have the dubious honour of being introduced to MADDER RED and I'm betting he might just be the villain we hold all other psychos up to in the future to see if they measure up...
Nick Spencer, the guy who's still keeping us guessing on MORNING GLORIES is the pen handler behind this one and has the insanely talented Riley Rossmo on arts...
The book opens with some dark scenes that would not look out of place in any of our favourite slasher stories...
And apparently doesn't let up...
But don't take our word for it, check out the first few pages here...
Then CONTACT US to get this Oh so very bad boy added to your pull-list...
If you don't we'll send MADDER RED round...
Monday, 22 October 2012
Okay so not every week can be a head spinningly massive, awe inspiringly big comics week...
But even on what some would term a comics 'slow week' there's always some new titles to get excited about and this week is no different...
A-BABIES VS X-BABIES #1 hits the FROG shelves this Wednesday and that is GREAT!!!...
From the creative team of writer Skottie Young and Gurihiru...
The Phoenix is coming…and bringing the babies with it in an all-out war! Find out whom amongst the teams will live, who will die, and who will succumb to diaper rash...
Now that all the dramatics from MARVEL's big summer event has finished it's time to take a cute and humorous look at the story...
It does seem a bit wierd that Young's writing this one rather than lending his genius to the pencils but here at FROG towers we're hoping the Japanese art team of Gurihiru can do the book justice...
So why not get down wid' the kids and grab this one-shot neighbourhood brawl of a comic to cheer up the 'slow week' blues?..
Monday, 15 October 2012
Unless you've been living under a rock or aren't on our mailing list (if you're not shame on you!) You will surely have heard about MARVEL's mini-boot MARVEL NOW!...
All new creative teams on absolute favourite characters who are getting to start their books from issue #1's, to make the runs more accessible to you the readers...
Unlike DC and the NEW52 that all hit the FROG shelves a little over a year ago in one big new comics month...
Marvel have decided to go about their mini-boot in a different way, a way where everything works within continuity and the releases are staggered from this month right through to February 2013...
A little of what the next 2 months hold in store for us all can be found here...
And this week sees the release of MARVEL NOW POINT ONE #1 NOW which is going to blow all our minds by giving a sneak peak at just what those at the ideas factory really have in store!!!...
Featuring six short stories from the awe inspiring creative teams of Brian Michael Bendis and Steve McNiven, Matt Fraction and Mike Allred, Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness, Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie, Nick Spencer and Luke Ross and Dennis Hopeless and Gabriel Hernandez Walta...
Reading between the lines and going from all the inter-web hubub it looks like we're going to be treated to stories featuring ANT-MAN, THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY and YOUNG AVENGERS...
The FROG BROS cannot wait!!!...
So get the jump on your mates as to where MARVEL are going NOW!
Monday, 8 October 2012
Yep the CLOWN PRINCE OF CRIME is back... And this time he's coming after the whole BAT-FAMILY...
The JOKER has been the big thing missing from DC's NEW52, that's all about change this month in BATMAN #13...
The last time we saw ol' chuckles he was having his face sliced off by the DOLLMAKER in DETECTIVE COMICS #1...
It's true we've since seen his face in SUICIDE SQUAD when a completely nuts HARLEY QUINN went AWOL to find her Puddin's chevvy...
But now the whole man himself is back...
Everyone's favourite BAT BADDY, the Ying to BATS Yang, the guy who killed a ROBIN and crippled a BATGIRL ...
And it seems he may just have found out who the whole BAT-CLAN are...
You see BATMAN #13 heralds the start of the 'DEATH OF THE FAMILY' storyline that's set to cross over all the BAT books and the FROG BROS cannot wait!!!...
With Scott Snyder handling the story and Greg Capullo dreaming up a new hooks and strapping look that offers a nod to the nightmare appearance of leather face giving a Texas Chainsaw Massacre-esque feel...
We think it's going to be all kinds of AWESOME!!! So give us a shout if you want on or take out a 6 issue subscription to BATMAN here...
Monday, 1 October 2012
I once had a wierd dream in which Iggle Piggle, Upsy Daisy and Makka Pakka from the IN THE NIGHT GARDEN (for those without ankle biters, it's a kids show) were all hunting me down with maniacal looks and chainsaws...
It was a rather bizarre dream that has always stuck with me as I always thought what a great idea it would be to put seemingly harmless kids characters in a horror comic and have them as the 'bad guys'...
Well it would seem someone has done just that, admittedly I'm betting much better than I ever could have and come up with in NON HUMANS...
NON HUMANS #1 (OF 4) is a mini-series by Glen Brunswick and Whilce Portacio and is being billed as "Blade Runner" meets "Toy Story"...
Set in a LOS ANGELES of the future...
Los Angeles 2041 to be exact and 26 years after those star exploring guys and gals from NASA brought back a strange disease that causes many toy-like objects to come to life...
Taking on the personality traits of those who have spent countless hours playing, loving or maybe wrecking them before being imbued with life!...
There's a new world order in town where both cute and fearsome creatures are in a fight for their right to exist in a world that fears them...
If you ask me this books sounds all kinds of AWESOME!!!...
And it looks pretty AWESOME too, check out a sneak peak here then give us a shout if you want on!!!...
Monday, 24 September 2012
The COURT are back...
Can Scott Snyder keep his star shinning brightly through this one or will it be a title too far?...
The FROG BROS are well documented fans but when we heard about this title I've got to admit the shared cynic in us did think the guys and gals at DC might just be cashing in on the huge success of the COURT OF THE OWLS...
What's changed our minds? Well nothing really, we'll still be picking up this one with some trepidation but c'mon has Scotty ever done us wrong so far?...
So what's this TALON #0 all about then? Let us enlighten you dear FROG reader...
The TALONS, unstoppable and dead killing machines who did all the dirty work for the evil Gotham secret society of the Court of the Owls once had a member called Calvin Rose...
Calvin's gone down in history as the only TALON ever to escape the clutches of the Court...
And the guy just wants to live a normal life (which must be pretty hard as seen as if he's a TALON he must be dead)...
Anywhoo, he's finding his wish for normalcy somewhat hampered by his former masters hunting him down...
And that's about all we can say, the art's by Guillem March who's work on the GOTHAM CITY SIRENS really was pretty AWESOME... and that right there is another very good reason to jump onto this one...
Take up a 6 issue subscription to TALON here, or give us a shout if you want on!!!...
Monday, 17 September 2012
A new GHOST story!...
And DARK HORSE are jumping on the DC #0 band wagon to launch it...
Quite why a 5 part mini-series starts on #0, except to try and get another sales peak when issue #1 comes out I don't know...
But we're not going to get down on this book for that, in fact we here at FROG Towers are really rather excited about GHOST #0...
You see on arts there's PHIL NOTO who's crisp clean lines have worked brilliantly on a range of books over the last few years including THE INFINITE HORIZON, X-23 and ANGEL AND FAITH...
And joining him as the GHOST #0's scribe is a writer that is fast becoming a FROG favourite, KELLY SUE DECONNICK...
This girl really knows how to write good comics, OSBOURN EVIL INCARCERATED was AWESOME and her current run on CAPTAIN MARVEL is just great!...
So what's GHOST #0 all about I here you all ask? A loser journalist who can only get a job as a cameraman on a crappy paranormal investigation show and the presenter...
They find a box that can call the dead... Only it doesn't work when they want it to and does work when they don't (don't you just hate those kind of ghost spitting boxes?)...
Anywhoo here's a sneak peak and you know the drill, give us a shout if you want on!!!...
Monday, 10 September 2012
Dana nana nana nana, Dana nana nana nana BATMAN!!!...
YES!!! hot on the heels of the fantastic COURT OF OWLS and NIGHT OF OWLS...
And right before the return of Gotham's Clown Prince THE JOKER in issue #13...
Comes this great jumping on spot for those few of you that haven't got BATMAN on your pull-list already, BATMAN #0...
Written by Head BATMAN writer and sometimes twitter warrior Scott Snyder, with arts by Greg Capullo!!!...
These 2 have been playing with and making both Gotham and Batman history for a whole year now...
Snyder loves to weave history into his stories and so this issue #0 is a perfect book for him, looking at Bruce's first forays into the NEW52's Gotham...
This FROG's been reading pretty much everything the guy's released over the last few years and have not been disappointed once...
Throw in Capullo's amazing art work, the fact you might be waiting a while for another equally good jumping on spot to the BATMAN title with the JOKER storyline set to run and run...
And all this makes BATMAN #0 a must read, so if you're not on it already CONTACT US to get it added to your pull-list or take out a 6 issue subscription here...
Monday, 3 September 2012
From when he was KING...
Yes it's a new book from comics legend ALAN MOORE...
I'm just going to throw this out there, I haven't enjoyed an ALAN MOORE book in ages, there I've said it...
I know, I know he's a genius and legend and all that but I'm sorry the works he's been kicking out recently just have not been very good... In my opinion...
So why are we getting excited about FASHION BEAST #1?...
Well, because it was originally written back in his heyday of the 80's. Back when his pen touched paper and gave birth to WATCHMEN, V FOR VENDETTA and THE SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING...
So okay, FASHION BEAST #1 was originally written with MALCOLM MACLAREN as a screen play and has now been adapted for comics...
But if just a little of the undoubted magic the guy had at that point in time has gone into these pages it's got to be worth a look, hasn't it?..
With art by Facundo Percio, see a sample of his work here...
FASHION BEAST #1 hits the FROG shelves Wednesday 05.09.2012...
CONTACT US to get it added to your pull-list!!!
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
High fashion and fangs...
A few weeks ago we got ourselves all excited about the NATIONAL COMICS ETERNITY by Jeff Lemire...
And golly gosh darn it we were right to be, it was a great little one-shot that left all here at Frog Towers wanting more!!!...
There's no word yet on any more Kid Eternity stuff (we're hoping though!) but the NATIONAL COMICS title from DC is continuing, giving some of the fringe DC characters their moment in the spotlight through an oversized series of one-shots...
This week it's the turn of LOOKER, last seen in the DC Universe as a bit part player doing some undercover work for the Dark Knight in BATMAN INCORPORATED...
It seems we may well be getting a rather changed up and different take on the character in NATIONAL COMICS LOOKER #1...
For this one we're getting a not too often seen mash-up of vampire comics and high fashion (not too often seen in our our shop, we're more about shorts, t's and flipflops!)...
The writer charged with bringing the old girl back to life is Ian Edginton, who's previous mash-up works include ALIEN V PREDATOR and the Sherlock taking down Vampires in VICTORIAN UNDEAD, titles we think hold him in good stead for this one...
Subscribe to the next 6 issues of these almost pilot episode comics here... Or CONTACT US to get it added to your pull-list!!!
Monday, 20 August 2012
And this week we have the BIG BLUE GUN rolled out...
BEFORE WATCHMEN DR MANHATTAN #1 (OF 4) is to tell the story of DR JON OSTERMAN or DR MANHATTAN, the physicist who accidentally turned himself into a god...
And then proceeded to turn everyone around him against him...
DR MANHATTAN really is a fantastic character, a character that is is not bound by the laws that govern us all, he is the past, present and future all at once!...
He's a guy who's in a constant state of self reflection, including about the stuff he hasn't yet done... at least for everyone else, for him there is no concept of time so he has done it...
And this is where the talent on this book will really have their work cut out, making a very powerfull character accessible to folks like you and me (my head hurts just thinking about what I've just written!)...
Charged with bringing the big blue boy to life once more is J. Michael Straczynski, who if you've ever been in the FROG BROS shop I'm sure you'll have heard of as we're both big fans of his THOR run. So the guy's got previous in grounding the gods for us mere readers...
Subscribe to the entire 4 issue run of BEFORE WATCHMEN DR MANHATTAN here... Or CONTACT US to get this tortured time lord added to your pull-list!!!
Monday, 13 August 2012
'What made you this way?'...
The BEFORE WATCHMEN books have been coming out for a few weeks now and don't tell Alan Moore but the FROG BROS have pretty much been enjoying 'em all!...
This week see's the release of the one that we and you have been really waiting for, BRIAN AZZARELLO and LEE BERMEJO's BEFORE WATCHMEN RORSCHACH #1 (OF 4)...
Yes!!! It's finally here, a comic based on the exploits of everyone's favourite masked, ultra right-winged nut-job!!!...
And what a team to bring this book to the table, BRIAN AZZARELLO who's got to be one of the best comic book writers around, currently doing the impossible in making WONDER WOMAN an absolutely must read each month...
And he's coupled up again with LEE BERMEJO, the same dream team that brought us 2008 hardcover only JOKER!!!...
So for this one we've got one of the best comic book characters ever created and one of the best comic book creative teams around to bring him to life. What more could we ask for?...
Subscribe to the entire 4 issue run of the comic event of 2012 BEFORE WATCHMEN RORSCHACH here... Or CONTACT US to get this lunatic crime fighter added to your pull-list!!!
Monday, 6 August 2012
Let the charm offensive begin!!!...
The smooth talking Cajun is back in his own series...
GAMBIT #1 is going to concentrate not on the stuff he does with the X-MEN but on the stuff he does without them...
Y'know the stuff they're not meant to know about, like the theiving and bad boy stuff he says he's left behind...
The talent behind this one are JAMES ASMUS doing the story, and he knows his way around the X characters having penned DARK X-MEN, MANIFEST DESTINY and GENERATION HOPE...
And on arts there's CLAY MANN who's equally at home in the X world having done some fantastic work on X-MEN LEGACY, MAGNETO NOT A HERO and the thouroughly enjoyable PRELUDE TO SCHISM...
And the noises coming from the creative camp are that this really will be a stand alone X-title so you're not going to have to run out there and buy the other 1000 issues of the various X-MEN stuff just to keep up...
Which is nice!...
So why not try a comic about a bad boy who turned good and then possibly bad again?...
Well stop prattling on and give us a preview! I hear you all scream at your screen...
Preview here...
You can subscribe to the GAMBIT series here...
Sunday, 29 July 2012
This one can't miss!!!...
With the success of THE AVENGERS movie still filling the coffers of all down at the ideas factory one of the main characters from the movie gets their own ongoing series...
HAWKEYE #1 hits the FROG shelves this week and it's not just the AVENGERS movie characterisation of ol' Clint Barton that's got us at FROG TOWERS all excited...
Although usually that would probably be enough!!!...
But no, HAWKEYE is a FROG favourite character, when done right but that's all too infrequent...
So what's got you so excited about this incarnation then? I'm sure I just heard you all gasp...
Simple Frog Friends, it's the creative team of MATT FRACTION and DAVID AJA...
We all know FRACTION can pen a tale as he continues to knock INVINCIBLE IRON-MAN, CASANOVA, AVX and MIGHTY THOR outta the park...
And AJA's art on RED SKULL, 5 RONIN and SECRET AVENGERS is just sublime!!!...
So why not pick up a new book about an old favourite by a team that we're betting are going to get it so so right?
So what you waiting for CONTACT US to get it added to your drop box or subscribe to the HAWKEYE series here...
Monday, 16 July 2012
It's time to keep the copyright...
A long time ago you see it was DC that held the rights to the name, before MARVEL wrestled it off them and the DC CAPTAIN MARVEL had to become SHAZAM!!!...
To keep the copyright MARVEL now have to release a CAPTIAN MARVEL title every now and again...
And yes folks it's that time... History lesson over...
CAPTAIN MARVEL is back... again...
This time taking on the mantle is the longtime super-heroin formerly known as MS MARVEL - Carol Danvers...
Danvers the airforce darling, sometime AVENGER and part alien is back in her own book...
And in issue 1 she's got CAPTIAN AMERICA by her side fighting the good fight...
You might be wondering why we think this one might actually be any good, fair point, but you see the team behind it are Kelly Sue DeConnick and artist Dexter Soy...
And anyone who picked up last years OSBOURN EVIL INCARCERATED knows that DeConnick knows her way round a story, and that's good enough for us!
Check out the first few pages here...
Monday, 9 July 2012
Delving into the worlds of religion, reality TV and science, this week we have the release of Sean Murphy's mini-series!...
Murphy, a big FROG BROS favourite is probably best known for his art work on the amazing JOE THE BARBARIAN and wonderful AMERICAN VAMPIRE SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST but this creator own mini might be about to change all that...
PUNK ROCK JESUS #1 (OF 6)... Set in the not too distant US future tells the story of an angry young man...
Who just happens to be the star of the latest reality TV hit J2...
Oh and also a clone of Jesus Christ...
With his 'mum' being selected through an American Idol style process and adulation and outrage being flown all over the place what chance does this kid have?...
Hopefully this book has a better chance, VERTIGO, who are publishing it, certainly are taking a bit of a chance, but then they are the guys and gals who gave us PREACHER, and that didn't work out too badly did it? And really this is just the kind of book VERTIGO should be printing...
Murphy too is putting himself out there with this one, the guy freely admits he's an artist first and foremost so to tackle a story like this, with so many big and devisive threads... Let's hope he pulls it off, if not heh, we're still going to have one of the best looking books from the FROG shelves...
Subscribe to the whole mini-series here...
Monday, 2 July 2012
A re-imagined BATMAN...
For a re-imagined EARTH...
It's certainly been a long time coming, more than 3 years since the project was announced BATMAN EARTH ONE finally hits the FROG shelves this week...
A lot has happened in those three years with BATMAN, INC has started, SCOTT SNYDER has been stamping his authority all over the character and the whole NEW52 reboot to name but a few...
So writer and one of DC's top bananas GEOFF JOHNS and artist GARY FRANK (the team behind SUPERMAN SECRET ORIGIN) have their work cut out...
But if the noises coming out of DC are anything to go by they could be on the right path...
You see they are attacking it by looking at Bruce Wayne at the beginning of his crimefighting life, with BATMAN just starting out, a stripped back BAT with no cool BAT-MOBILE, just a regular mobile with tinted windows, we're not going to see loads of costumed goons or cool gadgets... At least ones that work...
What we are being promised is a human story about a guy who's just starting out and making lots of mistakes along the way...
Sound a bit like YEAR ONE? In my mind that can be no bad thing!.. But they are promising a move away from that too with changes to many of the supporting BAT-cast including Alfred and Jim Gordon...
Check out the first few pages of BATMAN YEAR ONE here... and then CONTACT US to order your copy...
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Out of the mouths of babes....
no doubt come some rather tasty language!..
it's the return of the FROG BROS' very favourite prepubescent, trash mouthed
crime fighter HIT GIRL.
in the time between the two KICK-ASS books we have Mindy trying to settle in to
her butter would not melt new 'normal' life whilst taking KICK-ASS under her
wing and training him up to be a masked vigilante that can actually do some
damage, rather than the superhero who's main power is being able to take a
be honest, KICK-ASS VOL.01 was AWESOME, VOL.02... Well honestly it forgot what
made 1 so gosh darn good, and that's the 2 main characters of KICK-ASS and HIT
with any luck the great Mr Millar will return to form with this bad-bo... -Girl
and give us the book we've all been waiting for!
the equally great and thoroughly nice John Romita Jnr (the FROG BROS met him
once,.. Just putting that out there... Check our facebook if you don't beleive
us, we even got pictures! ) on arts HIT GIRL promises to be the book we all
hoped KICK-ASS VOL.02 would be...
by any miracle the dream team of Romita Jnr and Millar are reading this, please
don't be offended by our critique of KICK-ASS VOL.02... no-one listens to our
opinions and our doors are forever open to you should you wish to pop by the
shop, have a chat about comics and books and possibly do a signing or
out the first few pages of HIT-GIRL here... and then CONTACT US quick to get it
added to your pull-list... Or just reserved if you ain't got a pull-list yet...
and if that's you, well start one NOW!
Monday, 18 June 2012
They're coming!!!...
And forget about the mediocre BURTON movie, the inspiration for this one comes from the previous 50 years of true geek collectables!!!...
Yes this week sees IDW launch an all new on-going MARS ATTACKS series with MARS ATTACKS #1...
And ooh have they got some talent on-board to bring it all to life, penning the story is the ultra talented writer of CHEW, JOHN LAYMAN and on arts we've got JOHN MCCREA...
IDW are promising a twisted mix of action and dark humour, we know LAYMAN mixes the 2 every month on CHEW and MCCREA has certainly shown he's up to the job on titles like DICKS and THE BOYS...
With a rich history of trading cards, comics, toys and yep, that movie, this team have a real melting pot of past works to use as inspiration...
And LAYMAN is delving into it all to create a universe of characters and happenings that will all tie together as the fun and alien frolics roll along...
Grab you're 6 issue subscription to the MARS ATTACKS here... and let the carnage begin...
Monday, 11 June 2012
This is gonig to be HUGE!!!...
This week finally sees the new monthly from BRIAN WOOD and KRISTIAN DONALDSON hitting the FROG shelves...
The FROG BROS just hope they're strong enough to hold them, as the title suggests this one is going to be MASSIVE!!!...
MASSIVE #1, coming from the pen of the comics genius that brought us DMZ, NORTHLANDERS, and the exceptional current run on CONAN THE BARBARIAN. Not to mention the really rather awesome WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN mini-series ALPHA AND OMEGA...
Yep BRIAN WOOD knows his way around a story and with MASSIVE we think he's about to knock it out of the park... again...
Set amongst the crew of a radical environmentalist ship named the KAPITAL, who's crew are coming to terms with a series of cataclysmic events, the kind they were radically trying to stop and trying to find their larger ship that's gone missing, the MASSIVE...
Not another end of the world sci-fi romp I here you all groan, well yes and no...
You see sci-fi can be really good, especially when it focuses on the characters and how they adapt to their new or changing world...
And that's exactly what this promises to do, it's already being compared to SAGA in size and scope so grab your copy and see what the tree huggers do when there's no more trees to hug!!!...
Grab you're 6 issue subscription to the MASSIVE here... It's gonna be HUGE...
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
After all the talking...
We finally get to see if all the fuss, uproar and controversy has been worth it...
Yes this week sees the first of the BEFORE WATCHMEN mini-series hitting the FROG SHELVES with BEFORE WATCHMEN MINUTEMEN #1...
Now it's been well publicised that the great ALAN MOORE, co-creator of the seminal WATCHMEN is not exactly excited by those guys and gals at DC finally taking the leap and expanding on what MOORE believes is a story that should only ever exist as it does, as a stand alone piece, MOORE has even gone so far as to urge his fans not to buy the BEFORE THE WATCHMEN books...
But the WATCHMEN is not only a stand alone piece it's also a stand out book that tells a rich story that many believe (this FROG included) is too rich to be left, with characters that have so much more to offer...
This summer DC are kicking out mini-series of varying length to do just that, build on what the great man created and expand with some of the industry's current greats...
The first of these mini's BEFORE WATCHMEN MINUTEMEN tells the story of the worlds first costumed crime fighting team and chronicles the final days of the MINUTEMEN and how the team really came apart...
And who doesn't want to read about a super team being torn apart by rape, murder, alcoholism, homosexuality and fanatical conservatism?
CONTACT US to pre-order all your BEFORE WATCHMEN titles to be sure to not miss a thing...
Monday, 28 May 2012
New this week...
Spinning from the THE CULLING...
For those of you who missed it THE CULLING was a TEEN TITANS, SUPERBOY and LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES cross over story...
In it an agency called N.O.W.H.E.R.E were rounding up Super teens and youngsters and making 'em scrap it out BATTLE ROYAL stylie!...
N.O.W.H.E.R.E's leader Harvest uses these death matches to weed out the week and uses the victors and reigning champs as his elite guard known as the RAVAGERS!!!...
In the RAVAGERS #1 a few of these die-hard kids, including CAITLIN FAIRCHILD, THUNDER AND LIGHTNING (brother and sister super dou) and the 'monstrous' RAGE have managed to free themselves of N.O.W.H.E.R.E's base, The Colony and it's evil deathcamps...
Or have they? When you've been through what these kids have been through isn't N.O.W.H.E.R.E always going to be with them?...
Both you and I will have to wait to find out but you can make sure you don't miss any of it by taking out a 6 issue subscription here...
And a little preview of what's to come here...
Monday, 21 May 2012
New this week...
Morrison's BATMAN is back...
You see there's this major international threat just around the corner and unlike those Owl folks that just want Gotham, this unnamed threat wants the world...
So what's the world to do? Well nothing really except buy this book and see how Bruce and his hand picked BATMAN INC team deal with it!...
Ably assisted by Chris Burnham on arts BATMAN INCORPORATED #1 see's Grant Morrison take up his first work on BATMAN since the beautiful and fantastic, if a little mental BATMAN INCORPORATED LEVIATHAN STRIKES...
Now don't get me wrong the FROG BROS think Scott Snyder is doing great things on BATMAN but we also miss the madness that Morrison brought to the BAT-Table with his run and we're always happy to see another BAT-Book hitting the shelves...
So strap yourself in and get ready to ride the insane roller coaster comic that is BATMAN INC... 6 issue subscription available here...
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
New this week...
We've got a HITMAN and a BALLET DANCER and at least one bad guy trying to kill 'em!!!...
Coming from the mind that brought us THE ACTIVITY, GRIFTER and the brilliant WHO IS JAKE ELLIS comes DANCER #1...
A spy thriller 5 shot mini-series with ballerina's and bullets...
Although the premise of a retired assassin being stalked through a European city may not sound like the most original...
This one's main protagonist has a dancing girl friend who's
stolen his heart and now he's got to keep her safe whilst opening up
about his murky past...
Writer NATHAN EDMONDSON and artist NIC KLEIN (VIKING) are talking
DANCER up as something that you're not going to get from any other
books on the shelves...
And we're looking forward to seeing if that's true!..
Check out a 4 page preview of DANCER #1 here, and if you're interested pirhouette on down and get the rest!
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
New this week...
And FRANKENSTEIN ALIVE ALIVE #1, for those of you old enough to remember the 1983 illustrated version of MARY SHELLEY's classic tale will be happy to know artist BERNIE WRIGHTSON’s back on arts...
Teaming up with him on this FRANKENSTEIN title is frequent Wrightson collaborator STEVE NILES on scripting duties...
And let's face it with titles like 30 DAYS OF NIGHT, CRIMINAL MACABRE and DARK DAYS under his belt STEVE NILES could very well be the perfect man for this title...
These guy's know HORROR!..
FRANKENSTEIN ALIVE ALIVE #1 kicks off straight where SHELLEY's FRANKENSTEIN left off...
But the creative team are coming at it from a different angle and are telling their story from the angle of FRANKENSTEIN's MONSTER himself, and I for one can't wait!..
Monday, 30 April 2012
New this week...
EARTH... 2!...
This is EARTH 2... issue #1!!!...
And this one is not a soft reboot this is a proper reboot, it's not the EARTH 2 your dad knew...
This is a book that's being billed as an assemble piece and showing us this alternate world that won't be completely alien but will be different enough to keep us with it...
This will not be the JUSTICE SOCIETY and it won't just be about the Trinity of BATMAN, SUPERMAN and WONDER WOMAN...
Although they will obviously have a big part to play, we already know that the EARTH 2 BATMAN's a dad, WONDER WOMAN is the last AMAZON and SUPERMAN is mourning Lois Lane, who does not want to know what happened there?!...
And that's about all we can tell you about EARTH 2 so far as those guys and gals at DC are being pretty candid about it all, so all we can say is jump on and enjoy the ride with a subscription to the first 6 issues here!!!
Monday, 23 April 2012
New this week...
And this one's where we're gonna see the proper
AVENGERS VS X-MEN VERSUS #1... To give it it's full title is
the action packed tie-in to AVX and this title isn't going to worry itself with
big speeches about the PHEONIX FORCE...
Oh no, it's just going to be concentrating each issue on 2
hero on hero fights...
First up it's IRON MAN VS MAGNETTO and personally I'll
chucking HIGHWAY TO HELL on my generic MP3 player...
The second fight has the FIRST MUTANT NAMOR going at it with
Each issue of this tie-in mini-series is going to have
shared writing and arts duties as each team takes on a separate battle and the
superstar teams for this one are Jason Aaron and Adam Kubert with the
other smack down by Kathryn and Stuart Immonen...
Subscribe to the full 6 issue mini-series here and then just
wait for CLOBBERIN' TIME!!!
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