This week see's everything kick right off...
Yep it's the launch of this years BIG MARVEL EVENT with AVENGERS VS X-MEN #0 (OF 12) AVX...
Now the FROG BROS are the first to admit that the BIG EVENTS from the big two are not always what they're cracked up to be...
But think about it, DC's offering of FLASHPOINT last year was in our humble opinion GREAT and would have been AWESOME if only they'd made it a 7 issue series instead of cramming those last 2 issues... So the bar has been set...
And if we're honest the last event we truly loved was from the HOUSE OF IDEAS, MARVEL'S CIVIL WAR and with AVENGERS VS X-MEN, hero going up against hero it's looking like a CIVIL WAR 2... How good could that be!...
And when we tell you the creative team on this one are Brian Michael Bendis & Jason Aaron writing and Frank Cho on arts and colours... Well surely you're joining with our excitement now?!..
The PHEONIX FORCE is coming back people and to make sure you don't miss a frame of the action from what promises to be the best hero on hero war since... Well since CIVIL WAR get your mitts on a FROG BROS subscription to the whole series!!!
What's an Edwardian aristocrat to do when all the lower classes are turning into ZOMBIES?...
Go along with all the rest of the ruling class and voluntarily turn them self into a VAMPIRE of course...
So yep, the NEW DEADWARDIANS #1 (OF 8) is another ZOMBIE and VAMPIRE comic... But with that kind of premise it's going to be a little different right?..
We certainly hope so, for a start it doesn't look like just another gore fest (sorry to the gore fiends out there) and there's absolutely no teen angst (I'm not sorry to the TWILIGHT fans, get over it VAMPIRES do not glimmer and cannot walk around in day light... except for BLADE... and he is the daywalker not r-pats)...
The NEW DEADWARDIANS is a VERTIGO mini-series that although set in this other wordly world is more of a detective story, a who-dunnit with the hero being Chief Inspector George Suttle who's called in to investigate a murder...
In a world where pretty much everyone is already dead...
The creative team on this one are Dan Abnett and I.N.J. Culbard...
And you can check out a preview... here... Then lurch on down like a pauper and spend your cash like a aristocrat to get those sharp teeth into a great new mini-series!!...
So what is a American team of SUPER CROOKS to do when there's like 500 superheroes who keep on busting them?...
Move to Spain and pull off the heist of their lives of course...
And that right there my friends is what has the FROG BROS excited this week SUPERCROOKS #1...
From the knock out team of MARK MILLAR and LEINIL YU who are still basking in the glory of SUPERIOR comes a mini-series that has us pining for NEW COMICS DAY!!!...
Millar has spoken of this as being a Guy Ritchie heist movie but with SUPERCROOKS...
A team tired of being busted for every job they attempt because America is just so over populated with superheroes, the SUPERCROOKS head for Spain and a payday of a lifetime...
Aiming to rob the real bad guy of the piece, the worst American Supercrook who's living in retirement in Spain!
Check out why we're excited about this by viewing a preview... here...
So apparently there's a movie about a group of super-heroes from the MARVEL universe coming out this year...
And this is the book that's billed as being there for both fans new and old alike...
Yes, don't rub your eyes and think that the FROG BROS have gone crazy or that I've let a monkey loose on the type writer... again...
AVENGERS ASSEMBLE #1 is a movie tie-in title but one that operates within continuity, MARVEL are shouting from the roof tops (or at least from the top of the new AVENGERS TOWER) it's the title you won't want to be playing catch up with, we think this one could have legs...
Brought to you by the AWESOME creative team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Mark Bagley the FROG BROS literally cannot wait to get our hands on this title...
If only to see how they manage to fit it in with continuity with what is happening with the HULK and THOR in their current books!?!?
Subscribe to AVENGERS ASSEMBLE from issue #1... here...
IMAGINE A WORLD...Where everyone's favourite HAIRY HERO is, well not so heroic...
Spinning straight out of the GREAT pages of the UNCANNY X-FORCE comes AGE OF APOCALYPSE #1...
What, another new ongoing X-title I hear you all gasp... And yes it is... But this one's a little different...
This ones not set in the usual 616 but in a alternate-reality and there's quite a bit different...
APOCALYPSE is gone... but LOGAN's still around... and crazyier than ever...
Representing everything that's evil in this strange new world, it's fallen to JEAN GREY and some unexpected allies to stand against him...
To subscribe to AGE OF APOCALYPSE, just hit the link... here...