This week see's everything kick right off...
Yep it's the launch of this years BIG MARVEL EVENT with AVENGERS VS X-MEN #0 (OF 12) AVX...
Now the FROG BROS are the first to admit that the BIG EVENTS from the big two are not always what they're cracked up to be...
But think about it, DC's offering of FLASHPOINT last year was in our humble opinion GREAT and would have been AWESOME if only they'd made it a 7 issue series instead of cramming those last 2 issues... So the bar has been set...
And if we're honest the last event we truly loved was from the HOUSE OF IDEAS, MARVEL'S CIVIL WAR and with AVENGERS VS X-MEN, hero going up against hero it's looking like a CIVIL WAR 2... How good could that be!...
And when we tell you the creative team on this one are Brian Michael Bendis & Jason Aaron writing and Frank Cho on arts and colours... Well surely you're joining with our excitement now?!..
The PHEONIX FORCE is coming back people and to make sure you don't miss a frame of the action from what promises to be the best hero on hero war since... Well since CIVIL WAR get your mitts on a FROG BROS subscription to the whole series!!!
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