What's an Edwardian aristocrat to do when all the lower classes are turning into ZOMBIES?...
Go along with all the rest of the ruling class and voluntarily turn them self into a VAMPIRE of course...
So yep, the NEW DEADWARDIANS #1 (OF 8) is another ZOMBIE and VAMPIRE comic... But with that kind of premise it's going to be a little different right?..
We certainly hope so, for a start it doesn't look like just another gore fest (sorry to the gore fiends out there) and there's absolutely no teen angst (I'm not sorry to the TWILIGHT fans, get over it VAMPIRES do not glimmer and cannot walk around in day light... except for BLADE... and he is the daywalker not r-pats)...
The NEW DEADWARDIANS is a VERTIGO mini-series that although set in this other wordly world is more of a detective story, a who-dunnit with the hero being Chief Inspector George Suttle who's called in to investigate a murder...
In a world where pretty much everyone is already dead...
The creative team on this one are Dan Abnett and I.N.J. Culbard...
And you can check out a preview... here... Then lurch on down like a pauper and spend your cash like a aristocrat to get those sharp teeth into a great new mini-series!!...
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