With wings, super powers, magic and lasers?...
This week see's the release of DANGER CLUB #1 another IMAGE publication that the FROG BROS can't wait to get our hands on!
Based in a world completely occupied by super heroes, when a alien force threatens this new world's very existence all the adults fly off into battle...
And never return...
What are a group of super charged kids to do when no-longer governed by their folks?...
We don't know, but we're itching for new comics day so we can find out!...
The creative team on this one are LANDRY Q. WALKER and ERIC JONES who's work on Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures In the 8th Grade and Batman: Brave and the Bold give us reason to hope this could be the Teen super team book we've been waiting to fill the chasm left by GLADSTONES SCHOOL FOR WORLD CONQUERORS these last few months...
Check out a preview here...
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